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Curious - but don't know where to start? by BC on Sep 1, 2017
:stilts: (WWW) Contrary to popular belief, it's probably better to have no talent whatsoever when first starting off busking. This is great news for those just starting.
If you want to get involved with busking but don't know where to start, this information will prove invaluable to you. However, if you're a musician of several years, you'll probably want to use your talent to produce music.

Musicians are the most popular, the most talented, and least paid. Unless you have professional tapes and cd's produced ready to sell, the muse faces the task of entertaining a walk-by audience for tips then selling cd's. The best pass the hat. Musicians take years to perfect their craft. Some stay with it and become excellent artists while many give up and pursue other venues. Musicians also usually sing so they must...

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Seattle welcomes new pitches by BC on Apr 1, 2024
:disguise: (SEATTLE) As far as Seattle is concerned, you're a star awaiting your new reserved pitch in Soundtransit's transport hubs. Their blog announces the Sounds...

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Movie: A gift from Bob by BC on Mar 1, 2024
:guitar: (LONDON) The story of busker James Bowen and his cat Bob has snowballed into an impressive miracle.

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NOLA! by BC on Feb 3, 2024
:party: (WWW) It's Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnival around the world. Try not to get hit in the head with a coconut when yelling "Throw me something, mister!".

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Edinburgh Fringe Festival by BC on Sep 3, 2023
:party: (SCOTLAND) Over the past few years, local fringe festivals have taken on a life their own. Although starting small, some have now grown to enormous sizes.

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From busking to symphony by BC on Jul 2, 2023
:spotlight: (SEATTLE) Believe it or not, buskers can end up in the strangest of good fortune. It's happened before and it will happen again. All it takes are some...

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RE: 2013 Summer street performance tour by WorldsGreatest! on Feb 16, 2012
Since the laws change all the time, it's probably best to telephone the cities you're interested in from the link below and ask if there's going to be a problem.

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