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Seaport Village Spring Busker Festival by BC on Apr 3, 2012
:dread: (SAN DIEGO) Hosting buskers from around the country, the Seaport Village Spring Busker Festival is quickly becoming one of the premiere busking venues in the United States.
Celebrating it's 6th year, perhaps the reason for success of the two day event is actually Seaport Village General Manager Terry Hall. Having spent time in Europe, Hall is familiar with the customary busker and wants Americans to understand the respect due these facinating performers. He is literally bringing a world standard to a culture-starved nation.

The great tradition of busking has given rise to busker festivals around the world. Pier 39 in San Francisco, Faneuil Hall in Boston, Covent Garden in London, The Halifax International Busker Festival in Canada, the Christchurch World Buskers Festival in New Zealand, and the Adelaide Fringe...

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Pike Place Market bustling with buskers by BC on Oct 1, 2017
:party: (SEATTLE) It takes one glance any day of the week to see lots of buskers performing at Seattle, Washington's Pike Place Market. The popular and colorful water-front marketplace is alive and well.
Busker Central reporters recently visited the scene and observed that street-performers were literally on every block. Pianos, guitars, saxophones, and clarinets were all making music leaving the possibility wide open for larger circle shows. Although the pitches are now permitted, some performers had been busking the market for over 10 years.

A huge tourist mecca, Pike Place Market is also home to the first Starbucks coffee shop. The line to enjoy a cup of java was well outside the door and down the block. Beside the line, a guitarist was busy performing classic rock songs and really seemed to be enjoying himself. Down...

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Festival Internazionale Teatro di Strada Calabria Buskers by CalabriaBuskers on Apr 2, 2016
Il Calabria BusKers è un Festival Internazionale di Artisti di Strada, un grande evento che racchiude in sé la magia del teatro di strada: clown, musicisti, danzatori, mangiafuoco, acrobati ed altre personalità artistiche locali, nazionali ed internazionali che si ritrovano per le vie di Reggio Calabria, esibendosi nelle splendide cornici offerte dalla città dello Stretto, favorendo socialità e civismo,valorizzando il territorio, condividendo l'arte e coltivando la meraviglia e lo stupore.

La strada che diventa incontro e palcoscenico indiscusso di un evento che coinvolge una città intera e la sua provincia, catalizzandone l'attenzione. E il Festival non è solo un'occasione unica per trovare, in tutte le sue forme, l'arte nella strada e tra la gente, ma è anche il modo per farla esplodere in ciò che è capace di portare con sè: la libertà, la condivisione, il viaggio.

Guardare oltre i muri, vedere la bellezza e diventarne protagonisti.Un contenitore dentro il quale sviluppare diverse azi...

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U.S.A. Cities with the Craziest Buskers by BC on Feb 2, 2022
:tongue: (WWW) "AllTheRooms.com is made up of a range of travelers who have lived, worked, and partied in all areas of the planet. We research the best places and most important tips for all types of globetrotters looking to scratch their wanderlust itch."
"In all our ambition and industriousness, Americans have found some interesting ways to make a dollar. Take a stroll through any of the country’s bustling downtown metropolises and you’re bound to find someone dancing, singing, fiddling, acting, magic-wielding, fire breathing, or sword swallowing their way to stardom."

Some cities include New Orleans, New York, San Francisco, Seatttle, and Venice beach.

Click the link below for some surprises.

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Job Searches & Buskers by BC on Aug 3, 2022
:tongue: (WWW) Some job searches have started including busking and street performing as a viable means of employment. On an updated career page, an article by Brett Helling discusses definitions, salary, qualifications, responsibilities, skills, working conditions, experience, and employers.
Walk-by acts: buskers perform their act continuously for a long time. This happens mostly with musicians and mimers who perform their repertoire while people walk by them. Occasional passers-by stop to hear a song or two but no defined audience forms.

Circle acts: these acts work more like a “show” and have a distinct beginning, middle, and a grand finale ending. The performers first attract a crowd that will stand in a circle around them to watch the show. Circle acts are well suited for theatre, dance, acrobatics, magic, etc...

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