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Free eBook for budding musicians by BC on Jun 1, 2020
:guitar: (WWW) A free eBook by Music Industry How-to's Shaun Letang has an interesting take on turning profits by using the popular video site YouTube. In these days of the pandemic, it may be a good time to expand your awareness of just what's out there in terms of your musical career. This would be one alternate venue as it were...
Once your subscription is confirmed, musicians receive access to new guides weekly as well as the free eBook entitled '5 Steps To A Profitable YouTube Music Career'. It covers useful information and is intended to be an introduction to the online adventure.

Other topics include:

'Why Most Musicians Fail To Make An Income [Don’t Make These Mistakes]',
'Wow! 3 Independent Musicians Making $$$ Per Month With YouTube',
'One Key Element To Becoming A Profitable YouTube Musician', and

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NOLA! by BC on Feb 3, 2024
:party: (WWW) It's Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnival around the world. Try not to get hit in the head with a coconut when yelling "Throw me something, mister!".

'Songs in the streets of life: Celebrating the long history of buskers in New Orleans' is an lengthy article showcasing New Orlean's busking & street performing.
New Orleans, LouisianA (NOLA) has been around for over 300 years in the "new world". It's history is both enlightening and pitch dark so we'll focus on performance.

The famous French Quarter makes New Orleans second to none when it comes to busking and street performing.

Jackson Square and Royal street are the two main areas of performing. One street north is Bourbon which is out of the question for most buskers. It has an open-container policy...the first in the US....

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Naked Cowboy drops out of mayor race by BC on Sep 6, 2009
:guitar: NEW YORK — The Naked Cowboy of Times Square says he's dropping out of the race for New York mayor.
Robert "Bob" Burck is a tourist attraction known for strumming his guitar in the square while wearing only briefs and a cowboy hat.

He entered the mayoral race in July with the slogan, “Nobody has done more with less.”

But now, he says he's had enough of the red tape that goes with a mayoral run.

He says the last straw came when the city's Conflicts of Interest Board fined him $250 for failing to file a required financial disclosure form.

Mr. Burck says the only way to be taken seriously is to appear in a suit and tie.

:pointlol: "And away he goes...skidmarks and all," said a Times Squar...

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Curious - but don't know where to start? by BC on Sep 1, 2017
:stilts: (WWW) Contrary to popular belief, it's probably better to have no talent whatsoever when first starting off busking. This is great news for those just starting.
If you want to get involved with busking but don't know where to start, this information will prove invaluable to you. However, if you're a musician of several years, you'll probably want to use your talent to produce music.

Musicians are the most popular, the most talented, and least paid. Unless you have professional tapes and cd's produced ready to sell, the muse faces the task of entertaining a walk-by audience for tips then selling cd's. The best pass the hat. Musicians take years to perfect their craft. Some stay with it and become excellent artists while many give up and pursue other venues. Musicians also usually sing so they must...

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Why I Love Buskers (+ videos) by BC on Jun 1, 2014
:spotlight: (donna9376) Mаnу реорlе whо see a buѕkеr оn thе ѕtrееt have nо specific еmоtiоnѕ tоwаrdѕ thеm. They think оf buѕkеrѕ аѕ реѕtѕ оr in ѕоmе wау a nuiѕаnсе tо thеir timе ѕреnt on thе ѕtrееt.
I say "nо wау!" Buskers are a bеаutiful tradition thаt muѕt bе encouraged and сеlеbrаtеd for thе service thеу provide оn оur high streets. Hеrе iѕ why I lоvе buskers ѕо muсh.

Firѕt аnd fоrеmоѕt, it'ѕ a frее performance! The guys with thе gutѕ tо gо оut аnd buѕk аrе mostly talented muѕiсiаnѕ. If реорlе took thе timе tо pay аttеntiоn to thеir sets, thеу'd nоtiсе thаt thеir lосаl high ѕtrееt wаѕ bеing blеѕѕеd with a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl performance аnd thеу dоn't HAVE to pay for it!

Secondly, busking iѕ a trаditiоn! Strееt реrfоrmаnсе in thе UK, Europe, аnd bеуоnd dаtеѕ bасk hundrеdѕ аnd аrguаblу thousands of уе...

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