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Free eBook for budding musicians by BC on Jun 1, 2020
:guitar: (WWW) A free eBook by Music Industry How-to's Shaun Letang has an interesting take on turning profits by using the popular video site YouTube. In these days of the pandemic, it may be a good time to expand your awareness of just what's out there in terms of your musical career. This would be one alternate venue as it were...
Once your subscription is confirmed, musicians receive access to new guides weekly as well as the free eBook entitled '5 Steps To A Profitable YouTube Music Career'. It covers useful information and is intended to be an introduction to the online adventure.

Other topics include:

'Why Most Musicians Fail To Make An Income [Don’t Make These Mistakes]',
'Wow! 3 Independent Musicians Making $$$ Per Month With YouTube',
'One Key Element To Becoming A Profitable YouTube Musician', and

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World's best & worst street musicians revealed by BC on Nov 6, 2011
:tongue: (ENGLAND) According to some crazy person over at Asylum.co.uk, the best busker in the world (along with the worst), the best busker ever (along with the worst), and a few other "beautiful", "amazing", and "great" street-musicians are featured in a review for all buskers to relish.
Going ga-ga with five videos of incredible street musicians and five not-so-good ones, we find one guitarist actually serenading passersby without any strings! A cross between comedy and mime, he then throws his spinning guitar into the air.

Real steel hang drums, a bass player, and a harpist also get into the act. What would an really insane busker review be without the traditional bagpiper honking away?

Someone left the door open. ...

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Edinburgh Fringe Festival by BC on Sep 3, 2023
:party: (SCOTLAND) Over the past few years, local fringe festivals have taken on a life their own. Although starting small, some have now grown to enormous sizes.
Take the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for example. Believe it or not, over 500 buskers and street-performers have registered to perform in the festival making it the world's largest.

"Artists and performers take to hundreds of stages all over the city to present shows for every taste. From big names in the world of entertainment to unknown artists looking to build their careers, the festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, circus, cabaret, children's shows, musicals, opera, music, spoken word, exhibitions and events.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society, a registered charity, is the organization that underpins...

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Festival Internazionale Teatro di Strada Calabria Buskers by CalabriaBuskers on Apr 2, 2016
Il Calabria BusKers è un Festival Internazionale di Artisti di Strada, un grande evento che racchiude in sé la magia del teatro di strada: clown, musicisti, danzatori, mangiafuoco, acrobati ed altre personalità artistiche locali, nazionali ed internazionali che si ritrovano per le vie di Reggio Calabria, esibendosi nelle splendide cornici offerte dalla città dello Stretto, favorendo socialità e civismo,valorizzando il territorio, condividendo l'arte e coltivando la meraviglia e lo stupore.

La strada che diventa incontro e palcoscenico indiscusso di un evento che coinvolge una città intera e la sua provincia, catalizzandone l'attenzione. E il Festival non è solo un'occasione unica per trovare, in tutte le sue forme, l'arte nella strada e tra la gente, ma è anche il modo per farla esplodere in ciò che è capace di portare con sè: la libertà, la condivisione, il viaggio.

Guardare oltre i muri, vedere la bellezza e diventarne protagonisti.Un contenitore dentro il quale sviluppare diverse azi...

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Busker$ raking it in as Celebritie$ by BC on Sep 3, 2016
:whistle: What do buskers Crystal Bowersox, Philippe Petit, and Glen Hansard all have in common? These buskers have all made mucho dinero doing what naturally comes best.
Crystal Bowersox was runner up on the ninth season of “American Idol”. She presently has made over half a million dollars in music sales and appearances.

Philip Petit, the famous Frenchman who tightrope walked between the now-extinct trade towers in Manhatten, has enjoyed a Hollywood movie remake of his feat in "The Walk" no doubt enjoying countless Francs in revenue and licensing fees.

Glen Hansard has made a bundle peddling the Indy movie "Once". Between touring and the play on Broadway, Hansard has made lots of money off the film that won a Oscar for best song. It was a stormy inheritance from street to sta...

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