<![CDATA[Busker Central Blogs Feed]]> http://buskercentral.com/buskers/blog.php?page=&mode=random_blogs&feed=ATOM&limit=5&sid=d83f74616b0c4ac299875db59f0f716e 2024-05-13T02:41:13+00:00 <![CDATA[Busker now a fashionable title]]> http://buskercentral.com/buskers/blog.php?u=2&b=26&sid=d83f74616b0c4ac299875db59f0f716e 2008-12-09T06:01:02+00:00 2008-12-09T06:01:02+00:00 (BUSKING) It seems as little as ten years ago, the term "busker" or "street performer" was looked upon with disdain. Suddenly, now it's the "in" title to tell new-found friends and acquaintances. Strange as it may seem, public perception has shifted in favor of said buskers. The internet has seemed to have had a positive impact on the perception of street performers world-wide.

Wannabe buskers abound on the internet. Some sites have sections dedicated to busking. Unfortunately, once entered, one finds several performers that have only been thinking about busking but somehow never found the backbone to discard their day job to busk full-time. This may be a good thing, however, as some may not have what it takes to begin with. It would probably only add to the long lines at the unemployment office.


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<![CDATA[Busker memorabilia at eBay]]> http://buskercentral.com/buskers/blog.php?u=2&b=264&sid=d83f74616b0c4ac299875db59f0f716e 2022-04-03T03:16:09+00:00 2022-04-03T03:16:09+00:00 (WWW) eBay.com has pages of busker memorabilia available for listening and home decor. Add to your collection of records, vintage photos, art, sculpture, statues, books, playing cards, mime, articles, collages, bell ringers, figurines, stories, and just about anything else you can think of.
Notable items include the Cambridge Buskers, Stars of the Streets, the Busker's Album, and the Beale Street Buskers. Some news articles go back as far as 1919.

Keep in mind thaat the some records are outdated 45's and lp's that will need a turntable to play.

The photo featured here is a pre-war busker in Newport, Rhode Island and is listed for $5000!

Click the link below for some amazing items.

:pointlol: ...

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<![CDATA[Drum Machine T-Shirt Perfect For Buskers]]> http://buskercentral.com/buskers/blog.php?u=2&b=113&sid=d83f74616b0c4ac299875db59f0f716e 2012-01-03T07:09:28+00:00 2012-01-03T07:09:28+00:00 Buskers, especially muses, will benefit from the world's first drum machine in a real wearable t-shirt.
Now you can actually wear your instrument thumping out sweet digital rhythms as you perform your new routines. With an amazing 7 voices, drummers can create loops with unlimited tracks through 9 different drum kits for up to 3 minutes in length. The drum machine shirt is, of course, machine washable.

Thanks to ThinkGeek - Stuff for Smart Masses, also available for muses are 2 other interactive t-shirts including the Electronic Rock Guitar shirt with programmable guitar. Then there's even the the Electronic Music Synthesizer shirt with which you can program synths to untold of levels.

Musicians wanting a cutting edge performance can now band together and pitch their show by simply wearing their guitars,...

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<![CDATA[The 12 Golden Rules of Busking]]> http://buskercentral.com/buskers/blog.php?u=2&b=261&sid=d83f74616b0c4ac299875db59f0f716e 2022-01-02T03:54:09+00:00 2022-01-02T03:54:09+00:00 (WWW) An article at roland.com has what's regarded as the 12 Golden Rules of busking for the UK community.
"When it goes badly, busking in modern Britain is no picnic and can present some pretty serious challenges from sunburn and on-the-spot fines to abuse and even arrest."

Some of the "Golden Rules" are standard fare for busking yet are often forgotten. It never hurts to review the basics and even expand on the fundamentals of successful busking.

In a nutshell, the 12 are:

#1. Sort the paperwork
#2. Choose your pitch wisely
#3. Don't hog the best spots
#4. Avoid no busk zones
#5. Don't actively ask for money
#6. Spread yourself
#7. Don't get on people's nerves
#8. Trade your wares
#9. Pack a gigbag
#10. Loosen their wallets
#11. Grin and bear it
#12. Use it as an apprenticeship

For deeper insight...

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<![CDATA[Busking Show 1.0: the name idea...]]> http://buskercentral.com/buskers/blog.php?u=3787&b=183&sid=d83f74616b0c4ac299875db59f0f716e 2016-02-15T13:58:57+00:00 2016-02-15T13:58:57+00:00 It's for those reasons I wanted to create an easy system to be able to follow up the creation / development of my show at any time.
This seemed possible to me by using the same system as software developers use. After all, we are both developing our product, isn't it?
So my first attempt to create a show will be called "Busking Show 1.0". Untill I will take this show out on the streets, the name will stay unchanged, but from that moment on will change as many times as there will be changes made in the structure of the show.
Depending on the "grade" of changes / adjustments made each time after performing the show on the...

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