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London's Busking Code of Conduct by BC on Dec 4, 2021
:spotlight: (LONDON) A lot of cities have their individual busking requirements to satisfy city hall. However, it seems London's busking code is more complete than others and could be used as a benchmark for general busking.
City Hall said the rules, which cover where to busk, avoids complaints, money collection, and resolving problems. It's aim is to make busking and street performance easier for everyone.

"Busking adds to the capital’s joie de vivre but in spite of its popularity buskers have sometimes encountered problems when plying their trade. Some have even been put off.

Working with our partners, we are putting a scythe through the acres of unnecessary bureaucracy to make it easier to entertain on our city’s streets.

We want to make London the busking capital of the world.”

Click the link ...

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Why I Love Buskers (+ videos) by BC on Jun 1, 2014
:spotlight: (donna9376) Mаnу реорlе whо see a buѕkеr оn thе ѕtrееt have nо specific еmоtiоnѕ tоwаrdѕ thеm. They think оf buѕkеrѕ аѕ реѕtѕ оr in ѕоmе wау a nuiѕаnсе tо thеir timе ѕреnt on thе ѕtrееt.
I say "nо wау!" Buskers are a bеаutiful tradition thаt muѕt bе encouraged and сеlеbrаtеd for thе service thеу provide оn оur high streets. Hеrе iѕ why I lоvе buskers ѕо muсh.

Firѕt аnd fоrеmоѕt, it'ѕ a frее performance! The guys with thе gutѕ tо gо оut аnd buѕk аrе mostly talented muѕiсiаnѕ. If реорlе took thе timе tо pay аttеntiоn to thеir sets, thеу'd nоtiсе thаt thеir lосаl high ѕtrееt wаѕ bеing blеѕѕеd with a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl performance аnd thеу dоn't HAVE to pay for it!

Secondly, busking iѕ a trаditiоn! Strееt реrfоrmаnсе in thе UK, Europe, аnd bеуоnd dаtеѕ bасk hundrеdѕ аnd аrguаblу thousands of уе...

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Brand new! by Glenndalf on Sep 19, 2010
I've been performing Magic for over 10 years now and I just started busking in Santa Monica. I'll keep you posted as it goes. See you all soon! :tophat:

No dancing, singing, playing musical instruments... by BC on Nov 26, 2009
:scrooge: (LONDON) You won't believe how Biggin Hill Airport Byelaws have been revised. The Honorable Elvis impersonator Dave Quinn (pictured) has been shown the door.
"No person shall sing, dance, shout, play a musical instrument, operate a portable music machine or behave in such a way as to give reasonable cause for annoyance to any other person(s) on the Airport."
Wingwalkers will be dismayed at the "No person shall enter or climb upon any part of any Aircraft." It is also an offence to leave a vehicle in the car park without the handbrake on. Beggars should stay away and buskers, trendy on the Tube, are a strict no-no. Casual gambling is frowned upon, even a gentleman's bet.

Absolutely no buskers or even beggars!


Blues enthusiasts take note! by BC on Apr 1, 2017
:sax: (COSTA RICA) San Jose has buskers singing the blues. Avenida Blues, a traditional blues band in Costa Rica, is finding national resistance to their style of music and performing. The buskers have been working for the past months filming their performances on the streets, issues with police, and concerts at large national festivals in the country.
Due to severe lack of interest of the blues in Costa Rica, they are trying to get exposure with the international blues community. With different administration changes, the police have taken down several artists, jailed some others, and have confiscated equipment. A strike in January resulted in a movement called "Nuestra Calle" when there was the reported abuse of power by local authorities in the arrest of a sax player.

The Avendia blues band has been working hard...

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