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Same old song gets buskers busted by BC on Aug 23, 2009
:lol: LONDON | A city in central England says two buskers who plagued a suburb by repeating the same two songs have been banned from performing for two years.
The Birmingham City Council said the street performers angered residents with late-night and out-of-tune renditions of “Wonderwall” by Oasis and “Faith” by George Michael.

Acoustic guitar player James Ryan, 40, and Andrew Cave, 39, who used garbage can lids to accompany Ryan, were banned from busking by a judge at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court.


Busking Berne and beyond by BC on Oct 1, 2015
:violin: (SWITZERLAND) An interesting page at Swiss Info has many busking attractions, pictures, and related stories starting in the nation's capital with the Berne Buskers Festival.
Celebrating its 12th year this summer, the three-day event featured 42 acts with 145 performers from 18 countries. Half of the acts were musical with the rest involving clowns, dancers, human statues, and other artists.

Related busking stories and pictures take us around Switzerland to Basel, Biel, and Montreux as well as podcast on what it's like to be a busker in Berne.

A reporter for Busker Central entered a Buskerfest contest in Luzern back in 1992. Unfortunately, the city was given a bad reputation when the contest was found to be "won" by a professional opera singer who had stumbled outside. Her father also happened...

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Naked Cowboy puts on $1.5M lawsuit against CBS by BC on Feb 15, 2011
:guitar: (NYC) Times Square busker and street-performer Bob Burck has filed a $1.5 million lawsuit against CBS over a 'Bold and the Beautiful' promo.
Burck filed for trademark on his act back in 1997. He now seems content to sue mega-conglomerates with questionable legal teams for his livelihood. M & M Mars was his previous infringement suit which was settled out of court.

This time around, he's accusing the CBS network of using a guitar-toting drunken fool in a cowboy hat and underwear to promote a TV soap opera. However, as Bob has mentioned in his "brief" run for NYC mayor, "Nobody will take you seriously without wearing a suit", so he's gearing up for his court date and sending his suit out to the cleaners.


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Why I Love Buskers (+ videos) by BC on Jun 1, 2014
:spotlight: (donna9376) Mаnу реорlе whо see a buѕkеr оn thе ѕtrееt have nо specific еmоtiоnѕ tоwаrdѕ thеm. They think оf buѕkеrѕ аѕ реѕtѕ оr in ѕоmе wау a nuiѕаnсе tо thеir timе ѕреnt on thе ѕtrееt.
I say "nо wау!" Buskers are a bеаutiful tradition thаt muѕt bе encouraged and сеlеbrаtеd for thе service thеу provide оn оur high streets. Hеrе iѕ why I lоvе buskers ѕо muсh.

Firѕt аnd fоrеmоѕt, it'ѕ a frее performance! The guys with thе gutѕ tо gо оut аnd buѕk аrе mostly talented muѕiсiаnѕ. If реорlе took thе timе tо pay аttеntiоn to thеir sets, thеу'd nоtiсе thаt thеir lосаl high ѕtrееt wаѕ bеing blеѕѕеd with a рrоfеѕѕiоnаl performance аnd thеу dоn't HAVE to pay for it!

Secondly, busking iѕ a trаditiоn! Strееt реrfоrmаnсе in thе UK, Europe, аnd bеуоnd dаtеѕ bасk hundrеdѕ аnd аrguаblу thousands of уе...

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The story of legendary busker "Brother Blue" by BC on Nov 8, 2009
:lampshade: (CAMBRIDGE) - He's Brother Blue - the street performer who hoped to change the world one story at a time.
But his wife of 60 years still recalls their first encounter, long before Hugh Morgan Hill became known as the father of modern storytelling.

Full story and video


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