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Colectivo de Musicos Barcelona by Rimusic on Jan 18, 2015

Free eBook for budding musicians by BC on Jun 1, 2020
:guitar: (WWW) A free eBook by Music Industry How-to's Shaun Letang has an interesting take on turning profits by using the popular video site YouTube. In these days of the pandemic, it may be a good time to expand your awareness of just what's out there in terms of your musical career. This would be one alternate venue as it were...
Once your subscription is confirmed, musicians receive access to new guides weekly as well as the free eBook entitled '5 Steps To A Profitable YouTube Music Career'. It covers useful information and is intended to be an introduction to the online adventure.

Other topics include:

'Why Most Musicians Fail To Make An Income [Don’t Make These Mistakes]',
'Wow! 3 Independent Musicians Making $$$ Per Month With YouTube',
'One Key Element To Becoming A Profitable YouTube Musician', and

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SOCAN wants to charge buskers performance fees by BC on Dec 8, 2009
:pointlol: (from the You've got-to-be-kidding-me Department)
One of the themes of 2009 was that collection societies around the world went nuts trying to charge for anything they possibly could while also trying to increase the rates they could charge. Even banks went wild with their hidden charges.

Remember how one collection society wanted to charge a woman because she put on music in public for her horses? Or how about the woman who worked in a grocery store who was told to stop singing while stocking the shelves or the store would have to pay a performance fee? And, of course, we had ASCAP trying to claim that ringtones were public performances, and mobile operators needed to pay up -- beyond the license fee that was already paid on the recording.

SOCAN, the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada, has been no exception pushing for drastically increased rates...

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Songs about Buskers by Buskers and for Buskers by BC on Mar 1, 2014
:sing: (BOULDER, COLORADO) If your're a musical busker or even if you're not, take a listen to a variety of songs made especially for the busking and performing arts.
The songs are created specifically by Busker Films and can be heard in video documentaries found over at the famed Busker Alley website. The productions are symbolic of the quality and style found in "The Alley".

The songs showcase different attitudes towards the street-performing arts. Hated by some and loved by others, the songs portrays the busker moving town to town doing their shows and entertaining the masses en route to...who knows where?

"Busker Alley: The Movie" features the song "Road 2 Freedom". Other original compositions including high-energy performance music and even a rap are featured on the website.

Check the links...

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Buskers booted from Central Park pitch by BC on Jun 7, 2011
:scrooge: (NEW YORK) Central Park buskers at the Bethesda Fountain Terrace have been booted off their long-standing pitch by an effort to establish a food and booze court.
The city has posted a new "Quiet Zone" sign there and have been ticketing performers - even handcuffing one opera singer and taking him away.

Parks Department spokeswoman Vickie Karp said the musicians are the problem and have "completely blocked the stairs. The public wants quiet zones and have repeatedly requested quiet places for passive enjoyment of the park."

The food court and bar will feature $8 to $10 beers, $8 glasses of wine, and $7 to $9 sandwiches.


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