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Permanent LinkJun 1, 2016 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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:tied: (WWW) From his first card trick at age 6 through his tightrope walk between Manhatten's Twin Trade Towers, high-wire artist Philippe Petit takes you on an intimate journey as a death-defying magician.
Petit has reportedly been arrested over 500 times. Surprisingly, a majority of those 500 arrests occurred while he was juggling on the street in Paris, according to the performer himself. Many of his larger stunts have been done within the confines of the law, however, including a tightrope walk over the Seine from the Palais de Chaillot to the Eiffel Tower.

His first documentary "Man on Wire" has recently been reprised with Hollywood's movie version "The Walk". In both, he is introduced to his love interest because of his dedication to wire walking. Petit still practices walking the wire for hours every day and has vowed to perform until his body is no longer able.

Check the links below for more on Philippe Petit.

Full story

Journey across the high wire


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