Busker Central

Where's my %&@*#! money???
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Author:  BC [ Jul 20, 2008 ]
Title:  Where's my %&@*#! money???


I had found a nice place in Europe to busk. I had even been given a travel trailer parked along others near some tennis courts. It was very peaceful.

So, over the summer, I'd come back after a few minutes of busking and hours of exploring and throw these huge 100 sf notes under the travel trailer's carpet.

Imagine my surprise when I turned the corner one day only to find the trailer was gone! I stopped in my tracks and stood stunned...Where's my freekin' money???(not to mention the whole trailer). I almost made a huge mess...

Here I was surrounded by banks and I hadn't even thought of opening an account. I was starting to panic...There was suddenly several thousand swiss francs missing!

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw way on the other side of the tennis courts the other trailers mine had been parked with.

I ran over to see if mine was among them. Fortunatley, there it was. Someone had moved all the trailers. I breathed a sigh of relief and I entered the trailer and found my stash of cash. All was well...again.

Turns out the tennis courts had repaved their parking lot and had temporarily moved all the trailers to the grass on the other side.

Glad I didn't mess myself...too much :lol:

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