Mime Over Matter
Mime Awareness Day!

Special Mime Over Matter Exclusive!

Mime Over Matter presents the Official Mime Awareness Day instant download for mime enthusiasts around the world to experience and enjoy!
Indulge and savor a high-quality display of Mime Over Matter's very own Official Tribute to the late great Marcel Marceau (1923-2007).
The Extravaganza includes Le Centre du Silence's Director Samuel Avital, modern mime art, and Special productions of Kiko & Friends!

Also included in the celebration are Mime Over Matter's exclusive videos as well as Special footage of those amazing mimes never before seen!
Now you can enjoy those wonderful Mimes in the comfort and convenience of your home. Download - then sit back and watch, wonder, and learn from some of the most famous routines ever created!
Share with others this performing art which traces it's roots all the way back to the 3rd Century B.C!

Mime Over Matter has created this unique digital file for the students of Mime everywhere. We make this remarkable, informative, and educational presentation available world-wide for only $4.95. That's it! That's a savings of over 66% off our retail DVD!
To download, click the yellow buy now button below. You can choose Paypal or Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express credit/debit cards. Review your secure online order. Then, simply download the Mime Over Matter Mime Awareness Day digital download for instant viewing.
View artistic, funny, and amazing routines you can share with other mime artists! Enjoy the Mime Awareness Day exclusive available only from Mime Over Matter!

Productions: 4
Format: .mp4
Runtime: 23 min