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Busking ideas you may like by BC on Sep 5, 2021
:horn: (WWW) Beginning buskers all have to start somewhere deciding just what they're going to perform. Perhaps they already have a talent they can build upon. Others may have to start from scratch.
Here at Busker Central, an editor spent two years learning the songs he was to play before stepping a foot on a pitch. Once he had his songs down pat, he was confident he'd be successful. In fact, he was so successful, he was the number one musical busker in the whole city for twelve straight years.

Let us now check out around one hundred or so interesting pictures that may give you an idea or two about just how to approach the wide wide world of busking. Some are goofy, some are unique - but all are continuing the tradition of busking and street performing from centuries ago.

Click the link below for some ideas you may...

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The Buskers Guide to the Galaxy by BC on Dec 9, 2016
:busker: :busker: (AUSTRALIA) Two inexperienced street performers attempt a world tour with no shows, no money, and no contacts. Along the winding way, they are compiling helpful information for fellow buskers who want to travel predominately through music. This includes permit information, busker-friendly hostels, and cheap eats.
The Buskers Guide to the Galaxy also includes a link to their facebook page featuring busker jobs - a space where people can advertise and apply for all kinds of buskers and musicians.

Interested in a busker's guide to Malaysia, Brisbane, Adelaide, or Wales? How about some video on the Rundle Mall or sleeping in a car? Busker interviews include Olayo Reynaud, Chris Gun, and Kung Fu Jesus among...

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Busker Nation - Trumpets, harmonicas, and pink robots by BC on Jan 1, 2023
:headstand: (ARIZONA) You wouldn't think Arizona would have come this far - but Downtown Phoenix, Inc. thinks the time is right.
Lo and behold, there's music and performing where there once was none. It seems the desert southwest has caught the busker bug.

From flea markets to sporting events to outdoor malls, there are buskers plying their trade and free to now express themselves artistically. The times - they are a changin'.

And why not? Making a more vibrant community can only enhance revenue for the cities thru increased sales in shops and restaurants.

The atmosphere is rhythmically changing into something we can all appreciate when we try. Add a dash of interviews and you've got a nice recipe for explaining Busker Nation.


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Niagara Falls Buskerfest by BC on Jun 1, 2012
:tied: (NIAGARA FALLS) Up, down, and sideways. That's how the planning for this years St. Catharines Buskerfest has gone.
And now, it's going, going, gone all the way to Queen Street in downtown Niagara Falls. As the organization says, "Plans to re-stage the festival in 2012 appeared to be over."

The on-again, off-again antics have some buskers wanting to barrel over Horseshoe Falls.

On Thursday, Lyndesfarne announced Buskerfest Niagara, previously known as the St. Catharines International Busker Festival, will go ahead on Queen Street Niagara Falls over Labour Day weekend.

Buskerfest Niagara 2012 will feature more than 150 performances, vendors, special performances, and record-breaking attempts for the Guinness Book of World Records.

“Busker festivals have been gaining popularity all over Canada i...

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Venice Beach, the Naked Cowboy, and "Mad Chad" Taylor by BC on Oct 20, 2011
:guitar: (VENICE BEACH) It seems Venice Beach is the starting point for some busker's fame. Such is the case of the Naked Cowboy's forthcoming revelations.
Ironically, he joins another famous busker who first started juggling real chainsaws on the famous California boardwalk.

In his new book, author Bob Burck a.k.a. The Naked Cowboy, exposes his rise to busker fame and unveils a life goal in his autobiography "Determination: The Legend of the Naked Cowboy".

"I want to be the most famous man on the face of the earth," Burck tells a reporter from the The Daily Free Press. Because he was a model and a bodybuilder, a photographer suggested Burck play guitar in his underwear to gain the attention he was sorely missing while busking on Venice Beach. The rest is history.

Well on his way, Burck is also...

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