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Parents dislike their kids noticing buskers by BC on Jan 9, 2010
:therapy: Violinist Joshua Bell was left shocked and disappointed when he realised parents don't like their children paying attention to street musicians during a recent busking experiment.
The acclaimed classical musician dressed down and wore a disguise for his odd free show at the Washington D.C. Metro (subway) station - and was surprised no one recognised him.

Reporting back to editors of the Washington Post newspaper, who came up with the ruse, Bell confessed he was appalled to discover so many adults don't like their children to stop for buskers.

He tells WENN, "I had a baseball hat on and tattered clothes, so, if there was anyone who had been to my concerts, they would not have known it was me.

"It was sad and interesting because children tended to want to stop and listen and parents...

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The One Man Robotic Comedy Show by MrAnimation on Mar 13, 2013
My name is Vincent Foster better known as "Mr.Animation" I perform a musical comedy dance audience participation show.this can be performed on a stage or in a strolling fashion all over your stages.I am willing to go out to schools days prior to your events to do shows assisting in getting the word out such entertainment will be happening at your fair if you hire me. I am also willing to do as many as five shows per day if management wishes me to.What ever I can do to assist in making your events all the more successful this year I'm there for you.

Any chance to entertain your fairgoers would be greatly appreciated.
I can be reached at (424) 298-5314 if you have any questions.

Thank you!

"Mr. Animation'' a.k.a. Vincent Foster
Video Links Available at http://mranimationshow.com :wink:

Mr.Animation Live Entertainment

Buskers melt in 117° desert heatwave by BC on Jul 2, 2013
:scrooge: (LAS VEGAS) Let's take a trip down the Strip in Las Vegas and see how the buskers are melting. No, it's not that kind of trip. This is for reals.
It's never been hotter in Sin City which just tied an all time record of 117 (47.2 C) degrees in June. Regular street-performers seem to be gravitating towards the Fremont Street Experience where it's a tad cooler. But anyone in an enclosure or costume almost has to have a whole thermos of cold water with them.

Cupid has the right idea. This short, chubby busker runs around in his wings sporting a white g-string. Mix in a few drunks and it makes for a good time - assuming you drink. This is, after all, Las Vegas - home to over 400 Elvis'.

Off to the left is a Golden Statue, to the right is Gold Man. In the center is Golden Girl. Down the way is Sponge Bob...

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A day in the life of 4 buskers by BC on Jul 2, 2018
:snowman: (MASSACHUSETTS) The Daily Hampshire Gazette has jumped into the performing arts community circle reporting on four individual buskers on a recent summer's day.
'The sounds of the street: A day in the life of four downtown buskers' features a fiddler, a singer-songwriter, a tap dancer, and a percussionist all with different stories and motives while performing on the street.

For some performers, busking is just a fleeting moment in their career. But for others, it’s an important stop on the road to fame. Some make it, some don't. Some persist, some give up. There are all sorts of rhyme and reasons for busking. It may surprise the reader to learn about these performers.

“Some wonderful musicians got their chops by performing for street audiences, and there’s lot of merit in putting yourself out there...

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income by SANTA on Mar 21, 2012
1 out of 52 out of 53 out of 54 out of 55 out of 5
i made $60.00 an hour holding up a sign in gulfport mississippi
how much could i make playing a harmonica and singing in the french quarter of new orleans?

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