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Busker memorabilia at eBay by BC on Apr 2, 2022
:tiphat: (WWW) eBay.com has pages of busker memorabilia available for listening and home decor. Add to your collection of records, vintage photos, art, sculpture, statues, books, playing cards, mime, articles, collages, bell ringers, figurines, stories, and just about anything else you can think of.
Notable items include the Cambridge Buskers, Stars of the Streets, the Busker's Album, and the Beale Street Buskers. Some news articles go back as far as 1919.

Keep in mind thaat the some records are outdated 45's and lp's that will need a turntable to play.

The photo featured here is a pre-war busker in Newport, Rhode Island and is listed for $5000!

Click the link below for some amazing items.

:pointlol: ...

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15th Annual BuskerBall by BC on Apr 3, 2023
:party: (NYC) Get ready for the 15th annual BuskerBall on April 22! A celebration of New York City’s vibrant street performance culture, the event is being held at Unit J
338 Moffatt Street, Brooklyn, NY.
This unique event will feature a selection of the city’s best buskers showcasing their musical talents and highlighting the importance of street performance to the cultural fabric of the city.

The BuskerBall isn’t just about music – it’s about celebrating the vital role that street performers play in the cultural life of New York City. These artists bring joy and inspiration to our streets creating shared experiences and fostering a sense of community among city dwellers.

By supporting street performance, we can help to ensure that the arts remain accessible to all - regardless of economic status or social ba...

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Busking on the streets of Aspen by BC on Sep 3, 2015
:knight: (ASPEN) Let us take a Summer stroll up to Aspen and see how the buskers are faring.
In this sleepy little hamlet high above the madding crowds lies four downtown city blocks and the high-end shopping district. Within the red bricked lanes are planters, evergreens, grass, trees, and benches. Classic streetlamps light the way and no cars are allowed. The style was influenced by Boulder and it's mall on Pearl Street.

In Aspen (or "Hollyweed" as the locals call it), you can find many buskers plying their art. Why, you may even run into a "moobie star" out shopping at any given time. The famous four ski lifts long quiet, people are finding Colorado in the Summertime rather interesting, fun, and something out of the ordinary.

A Busker Central News reporter busked Aspen a while back. "As...

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Busking: All the world's a stage by BC on Apr 4, 2021
:mrgreen: An article at PS Audio has some interesting anecdotals on the world of busking. Likening it to theater, the "stage" is actually the busker's pitch where the performances happen. The article goes on with a brief yet up-to-date history of busking including virtual or electronic busking.
Daniel Bacchieri points out that “digital platforms are powerful tools capable of transmitting local artists to a global audience. All the world’s a stage and buskers can make it big in a connected world. In the past two decades the audience for street performers has grown from dozens to millions thanks to sharing on social media like Facebook and Twitter, on digital platforms such as YouTube, and streaming services including Spotify.”

Dr. Paul Simpson, a professor of human geography at the University of Pl...

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Cool busker t-shirts! by BC on Oct 1, 2019
:pointlol: (WWW) Here are some crazy t-shirts that buskers will love. Buskers can now let the world know they're a street-performer by wearing a funny saying on their t-shirt.
For both men and women, these t-shirts send a message with humour to all those who can read.

Sayings include "Have you hugged a busker today?", "I'm an awesome busker", "All I care about is busking - and like maybe 3 people", "Proud to be a busker", "World's funniest busker", "Officially the world's coolest busker", "Busker in training", "I'm a busker - What's your superpower?", "This is what an awesome street-performer looks like", and more along with a host of accommodating graphics.

Also available are t-shirts for the most popular type of busker...

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