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The Big Busk raises over £10,000 by BC on Nov 3, 2016
:guitar: (SHREWSBURY) What started as a tribute to busker Ben Bebbington by his family and friends has swelled to event with over 40 musical acts. Ben was tragically killed in a senseless murder by two teenagers in September of 2012.
Made up of over 200 people who filled the town with a carnival atmosphere, Happy Days in Shrewsbury took place in the town’s beautiful medieval centre. Raising over £10,000, it was a celebration of community, music and talent all in glorious sunshine. It also raised awareness and funds for The Shrewsbury Ark - a charity that had supported Ben in recent years and meant a huge amount to him.

A known busker within the town, Ben was an excellent musician and would often play his guitar in some late great impromptu jams. Other muses would join him after-hours and perform standards and original so...

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Curious - but don't know where to start? by BC on Sep 1, 2017
:stilts: (WWW) Contrary to popular belief, it's probably better to have no talent whatsoever when first starting off busking. This is great news for those just starting.
If you want to get involved with busking but don't know where to start, this information will prove invaluable to you. However, if you're a musician of several years, you'll probably want to use your talent to produce music.

Musicians are the most popular, the most talented, and least paid. Unless you have professional tapes and cd's produced ready to sell, the muse faces the task of entertaining a walk-by audience for tips then selling cd's. The best pass the hat. Musicians take years to perfect their craft. Some stay with it and become excellent artists while many give up and pursue other venues. Musicians also usually sing so they must...

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Mysterious busker is really a Superstar by BC on Feb 4, 2015
:surprised2: (VENICE BEACH) Disguised head-to-toe in metallic gold, a famous performer has surprised onlookers in Venice Beach by posing as a busker.
Going incognito, the "She Came to Give It to You" singer, 36, was busting moves best described as “the robot” borrowed from the mime Robert Shields. While wearing a gold hat, sunnies, and chains with his face covered in a gold mask to a crowd on the street, fans were shocked when the Grammy-winning artist revealed himself from under the costume.

As it turns out, the former judge on the US version of The Voice was shooting a skit for a MasterCard campaign. He surprised a fan - who had earlier been told she was appearing in a documentary about the OMG singer - with a personal performance, the Daily Mail reports.

The R&B star was rec...

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Calling their bluff by guitarman on Nov 16, 2008
:sing: I remember I was busking on a popular outdoor mall at a commonly used pitch. As a muse, I played and sang between an outdoor cafe and restaurant. Buskers had used the stage for several years. I usually got a coffee at the cafe while on breaks and was familiar with the staff.

One day, a new staff member came outside and asked me to move down the way. When I asked the blond middle-aged woman why, she simply said she didn't appreciate me singing outside on a beautiful day while she slaved away inside. I told her it was my choice in life to busk rather than being a server and I really couldn't help her. She again requested me to move on and left with the satisfaction of having told me 'what for'. I ignored her request and continued performing.

As a mature busker, I had seen the like before. They have a problem with someone busking because they can't do it. After several other altercations, I had...

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Study favors buskers and street performers by BC on Oct 1, 2021
:violin: (HONG KONG) A social-psychological study by the College of Professional and Continuing Education has shown some intriguing results when it comes to perceptions of public space.
An affiliate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the study revealed that public space was perceived as more restorative with street performance than without street performance. In addition, people who had engaged with street performance in the space perceived the space as more visitable, more restorative, and more preferable than people who had not engaged with street performance.

This can have an interesting and dynamic influence when it comes to public policy-making. When updating areas in need of an overhaul, busking and street performing can only help in restoring run-down regions.

Some scientific assumptions and limitations...

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