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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkOct 20, 2011 
:guitar: (VENICE BEACH) It seems Venice Beach is the starting point for some busker's fame. Such is the case of the Naked Cowboy's forthcoming revelations.
Ironically, he joins another famous busker who first started juggling real chainsaws on the famous California boardwalk.

In his new book, author Bob Burck a.k.a. The Naked Cowboy, exposes his rise to busker fame and unveils a life goal in his autobiography "Determination: The Legend of the Naked Cowboy".

"I want to be the most famous man on the face of the earth," Burck tells a reporter from the The Daily Free Press. Because he was a model and a bodybuilder, a photographer suggested Burck play guitar in his underwear to gain the attention he was sorely missing while busking on Venice Beach. The rest is history.

Well on his way, Burck is also in good company with another busker that got his start with a suggestion. "Mad Chad" Taylor was busy busking on Venice Beach when a southern California commercial-maker asked if he could possibly juggle chainsaws.

Chad was up to the task and practiced until he had the dangerous art down. He then learned the producer had only wanted him to juggle with the chainsaws off - not on full throttle as Chad had achieved. The audio of the chainsaws was to be safely added later. Again, the rest is history.

The Naked Truth


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Bwana Busker

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