Created for the new as well as seasoned busker, Busker Central launched the internet's foremost reference site for the performing art of busking on January 1st, 2005.
Using This Site: While many are satisfied with simply clicking on their specific category, it is recommended that the user read each and every page of Busker Central. There's an attitude one must take towards being a successful busker. You may be quite surprised at the outcome.
Viewing: Busker Central is viewable at a fluid 800x600 through 1920x1080 HD and beyond. The VLC player is recommended to play all media formats. Instead of experiencing all the media in a single day, try to plan your viewing to include a few per day. This will not only give you a longer time to study and enjoy them but also evenly distribute the necessary bandwidth.
Translation: Busker Central is presented in twelve languages with English as the default. For best results, uncheck the auto-select setting in your browser's encoding settings and select a European or UTF-8 charset. Google translation is sitewide and continues offsite.
Galleries: Members can find their own Busker Gallery by scrolling down to the bottom of the Photo Gallery's main page and clicking Busker Personal Gallery. You may use this online editor to resize. Members may upload a maximum of 10 images to their personal busker gallery.
Adventures: Great and funny stories may be formatted to include links, photos, and media that are remotely hosted. Member's stories should be written for general audiences and may be edited at the discretion of Busker Central. Remember that one time? Post your story for all to read.
Photos: Members can upload photos for display in Busker Central's main gallery. Click the Upload Pic button at the bottom of the category and the photo will be displayed. Busker Central reserves the right to move or discard any photo.
Videos: Members can display video in Busker Central's video gallery by emailing a link or posting a youtube video link on the bulletin board. One clip per busker limit.
Suggestions: You can suggest a pic, song, comic, film, or video you think demonstrates the art of busking and street performing. Click the 'contact' button and include it's online link. Busker Central may then co-host it for reference.