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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

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Permanent LinkJan 1, 2025 

:party: (WWW) Holy cow! It's hard to believe that Busker Central is already 20 years old. Long before Youtube and all the rest, BC has been displaying, reporting, and informing performers around the globe.

Over the years, we've seen the passing of some prolific artists as well as newcomers to the sport of busking and street performing. Who can forget "A cat named Bob" which helped a recovering busker back to health. And what about the 7 year old guitar prodigy who marveled the audience at an International Busker Festival? Yet another cat named Fat Cow helped finish the busker's song with a resounding "meow!". The crowd went wild!

It's a fact that, along with the video demos, the site has been shuffled and migrated server to server often without consent making display tedious at best. Some reporters...

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 Viewed 6799 times

Permanent LinkDec 1, 2024 
:therapy: (NEW ORLEANS) America's wildest city has a nice guide for those of you who wish to join the ghosts of zombified vampires.
"From brass bands and magicians in Jackson Square to traditional jazz on Royal St and even hip-hop MCs busking on Frenchmen Street, New Orleans has a famous and long standing history of street performance."

This is quite amazing seeing as nobody has a full understanding of how it all works. Perfect!

A Busker Central busker was actually arrested and went to jail in Central Lockup where Jerry Jeff wrote the song "Mr. Bojangles".

If you're really brave, perform on Bourbon Street at night.

People live in "da qwarda" so watch it!

For a trip into the past, present, and future, check out the link below from MACCNO.org


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 Viewed 9953 times

Permanent LinkNov 5, 2024 
:spotlight: (WWW) An very interesting article by Dan Hon goes in-depth in his assessment of Busking: The Art & Practice of Street Performance.
"The origins of busking can be traced back to ancient and medieval entertainers like troubadours, minstrels, jugglers, and puppeteers who would travel from town to town plying their trade in public squares and markets.

Over the centuries, busking has taken on many forms - from the organ grinders of the 1800s to the diverse range of musical and performance acts found in cities worldwide today."

This is the beginning of an article which covers busking from it's early days up to the present. Be sure to read the complete article for further insight.

Click the link below then kick back with a glass of wine and enjoy an article worth reading.


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Permanent LinkSep 1, 2024 
:hair: (WWW) A somewhat humorous account of an experimental busking performance of Super Mario in Times Square has concluded.
"A stream of passengers walked by, searching for anything to look at other than the 32-year-old man struggling to fit an egg-shaped cardboard headpiece imprinted with the visage of a Nintendo mascot. All I wanted was to leave Times Square with just $1 but that may have been asking too much" says Luke Winkie.

"Then I saw the competition...Spiderman, Sonic the Hedgehog, a pair of twin Minnie Mouses and some sort of monster had come into view."

Momma mia!
That's a spicy meat-ta-balla!
Then check into therapy.

Check out the experience at the link below for...

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 Viewed 11765 times

Permanent LinkAug 1, 2024 
:tiphat: (WWW) An lengthy article at the Broke Backpacker has updated the advice on how to busk and fund your travels.
Ziggy Samuels writes from his experiences and states, "With this busking guide in hand, you’re gonna learn both how to busk and how to do it right! I’m going to run you through every secret and tip for busking I’ve learnt since that first day in New Zealand and onwards across Asia. Then, once you have a handle on the craft, you can go write your own bloody awesome stories, too!"

Kick back with a glass of wine and a good smoke and enjoy some interesting if not humorous accounts of the sport.

Some sections include "Make people happy", "Prepare to be glamorous", and "How not to be a knob".

Check out the link below for more fun facts.

"What's my point? It's ...

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Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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