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Permanent LinkJan 3, 2012 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
Blog: View Blog (210)
:tiphat: Buskers, especially muses, will benefit from the world's first drum machine in a real wearable t-shirt.
Now you can actually wear your instrument thumping out sweet digital rhythms as you perform your new routines. With an amazing 7 voices, drummers can create loops with unlimited tracks through 9 different drum kits for up to 3 minutes in length. The drum machine shirt is, of course, machine washable.

Thanks to ThinkGeek - Stuff for Smart Masses, also available for muses are 2 other interactive t-shirts including the Electronic Rock Guitar shirt with programmable guitar. Then there's even the the Electronic Music Synthesizer shirt with which you can program synths to untold of levels.

Musicians wanting a cutting edge performance can now band together and pitch their show by simply wearing their guitars, keyboards, and drums. Just think - no more lugging around equipment on the transports or tuning guitars and drums. A rappers delight, no more breaking strings in the middle of songs. Now all you'll need is 4 AA batteries to power the included amplifier in your next show-stopping performance!

Drum machine t-shirt and video
Electric guitar t-shirt and video
Keyboard t-shirt and video


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