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The Guitarman

Who's gonna steal the show you know, baby?

Permanent LinkSep 27, 2008 
:guitar: Living out of my car, I was 26 on Rivera Beach in Florida. I was already hot in more ways than one. The police had already noticed me hanging out with my guitar and knew I was meeting girls and getting laid. Once, a cop came up on us knowing something was going on but found no evidence. It was inside my closed guitar case. Then, a jamming buddy made a sign and we crossed the street to an alcove between 2 restaurants. The sign read "Donations gladly accepted for munchies and strings". We made $12 and took off for much greener pastures down in the French Quarter.

Who's going to steal the show you know, baby?

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Bloody Busker

Joined: Nov 24, 2005
Posts: 29
Location: French Quarter
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