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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkDec 2, 2013 
:tiphat: (ST. LOUIS) Remember collecting baseball cards as a kid? Now you can collect busker trading cards of all the wonderful street-performers in St. Louis.
Thanks to Board Bill #181, busking and street-performing is now legal in St. Louis. They are now buskers to be memorabilia-ized! And collected! And traded!

It all came about when the city raised the busker fee in order to monitor buskers. Huh? That's exactly what buskers Fred Walker and Nick Pence said - along with the ACLU when it heard of such a preposterous notion.

Now that a wrong has been righted and the laughter has subsided, the buskers may be memoralized as a collector's card. The busker game includes finding each artist performing and having them sign their card. The winner gets featured in an upcoming street-performer festival.

It's a fun idea. However, they may also happen to find 27 self-proclaimed "King of the street-performers" out there all wanting a piece of the action. Buskers are not really known for having a small ego :!:

Full story
Trading cards (.pdf)


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Bwana Busker

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