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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkNov 15, 2008 
:hair: A veteran Nanaimo busker claims she is being told by the Port of Nanaimo to conform to busking rules along the waterfront, without knowing exactly what those rules are.

Cathy Davis said she's been told by the Port that they regulate all busking on the federally owned property. She also said she's been told that there have been complaints about her and others who have joined her busking at the waterfront.

Last month Davis sent an e-mail to Mike Davidson, property manager at the Port, asking him to list the nature of the complaints, without revealing who made them. Davis has so far received no reply.

Davidson told the Daily News in an Oct. 2 story that the Port issues its own special permits. Davis said she has also heard nothing back from Davidson about getting such a permit.

Davidson did not return calls to the Daily News on Wednesday.

While the weather is now too foul for busking, Davis believes that if there are complaints she is at least owed being told what the problems were in order for her to take appropriate action.

"Next year I want to have this cleared up," she said. "If there are complaints, I want to know."

In an e-mail Davis asked for details.

"I would also like a copy of your contracts, agreements with entertainers on Port property. How are these permits obtained? Do you have open auditions? Are these people paid or do they pay you? What are the criteria of the Port Authority for to decide who gets to play music and who doesn't?"

Though Davis has met with Davidson in the past to discuss busking issues, she said she now wants the same clarity about busking on federal land as she has about busking on city property. The city provides for permits and regulations about when and where buskers can play, and ways to address conflicts.

"I want to be clear, that's all I want," said Davis.

Paul Walton
The Daily News (Nanaimo) 2008

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