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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkMay 3, 2015 
:drool: (BOULDER) It's more popular than ever. This month, Busker Central has reached a pinnacle point of three thousand unique members. This landmark achievement exemplifies the power of the internet and the need to know all about busking and street performing. It showcases the research being performed and illustrates how we, as part of the human race, can and do make a difference.
Launching in 2005 and standing it's ground, Busker Central has managed to carve out it's niche on the world wide web. There was the Busker Central reference website long before social mega-sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and all the rest ever existed. Reference video shot for Busker Central dates back to 1995.

Busker Central is about the world's arts and humanities. People thrive with diversity and by making Busker Central accessible, it gives internet users an unparalleled view into the world of busking and street performing like no other.

Currently, it's estimated that there are 10,000 buskers in Europe and another 10,000 worldwide. Now that we can start our own nation, Busker Central calls upon everybody to unite together as "Buskers Strong" and take over the whole world with a total global domination of the street-performing arts! :twisted:

Annie Taylor was the first to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Since then, others have succeeded as much as three times. Some have died seeking fame and fortune - none of which ever came to these individuals. Yet we can honor them in their valiancy to imagine, create, and perform against all odds.

You can catch "Back in Time", a tribute to all buskers that spans over 100 years of performing plus over 100 more buskers in the film short "Pearl Street" both at our sister-site Busker Alley :!:

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Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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