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Permanent LinkJan 1, 2016 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
Blog: View Blog (210)
:disguise: (PRAGUE) The city of Prague is wondering why there aren't more buskers and street performers around their fair city. After all, they've overcome 40 years of Communism crushing their culture. Hence, the city has embarked on a campaign to bring in many more of the performing artists.
And even taking into consideration of the famous Charles bridge, Prague has much less buskers and street performers when compared to Berlin, Dublin, or Paris.

The project is currently crowdfunded which will determine how the campaign will go forward. Organizers have produced a video as well as an audio mp3 that showcases the effort. There will also be an app for tablets and cell phones to promote the project.

Regulations implemented 3 years ago have somewhat restricted street musicians and will be changed. “Musicians can ‘rebuild’ the city and make things better.”

Click the link below to find out more information on the busking campaign at Prague.

Full Story, Video, and Audio


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