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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkJul 3, 2016 
:tiphat: (CHATTANOOGA) New liberal rules favor buskers and street performers in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Over 50 musicians have registered to participate. The musicians include guitarists, cellists, singers, keyboardists and a person who plays a didgeridoo, the wind instrument developed by indigenous Australians about 1,500 years ago.
It's all part of SoundCorps' new Sidewalk Stages program. Each of the 15 to 30 musicians who are scheduled to perform two-hour sets from Friday through Sunday is paid $25 by SoundCorps. They also get to keep any tips they make. Those tips are averaging between $40 and $70.

Buskers can perform in public places, such as sidewalks, pedestrian bridges and the parks between them. There are some minimal rules. Performing under the influence and substance abuse is not permitted.

You'll be seeing more street musicians in Chattanooga.

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Bwana Busker

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