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Permanent LinkOct 2, 2016 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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:knight: (NEW YORK) Times Square, the self-proclaimed "Crossroads of the World," is the top destination for tourists hoping for the quintessential Gotham experience. An article by John Tierney in City Journal magazine takes us through a 2+ decades trip of Times Square. Recent developments have converted automobile traffic lanes into lanes for street-performers and street-vendors.
"Fake Buddhist monks begging for money, living statues, the Naked Cowboy, topless women, and a horde of costumed cartoon characters are all pressuring tourists to pay them for a picture - because nothing says New York like a selfie with the Incredible Hulk."

"A remade Times Square could start taking shape at the end of this year when the new plaza is supposed to be finished. By then, city officials hope to have completed the legal steps to rezone it enabling the Times Square Alliance and the city to start managing the plaza, a process that will take lots of trial and error. If it’s done correctly, with the right mix of curation and chaos, Times Square will be crowded with even more people - just the kind of problem you want in a public space."

Check out the links below for quite a history and update on New York's Times Square, the Crossroads of the World.

Times Square Re-imagined



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