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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkNov 9, 2018 
:disguise: (LONDON) An article in The Guardian examines where the streets have no change - and how buskers are surviving in cashless times.
A recent hot topic, the article asks is it time performers turned to contactless readers? After all, dropping coins in a hat is increasingly, well, old hat.

Speaking of hats, they're down in London. Again, society is changing. Spending our money is much more convenient nowadays using plastic rather than carrying around coins and notes. Americans have gone plastic for decades but now it's becoming more of a world-wide trend.

For buskers, touchless card readers are now "the thing" since people are carrying around a lot less cash. With plastic, even if you get robbed right there on the street in broad daylight, the poor crook doesn't have access to your PIN number(s). The best you can do is to carry around some bills for these "special" occasions.

With a busker singing David Bowie's "The man who sold the world", he undoubtedly accepted Mastercard.

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Bwana Busker

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