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Permanent LinkMar 1, 2019 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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:drool: (LONDON) Striking photographs from nearly 70 years ago show some of London’s most colourful street performers wowing the crowds in the mid-20th Century.
The incredible images at the Sun display a fearless acrobat flinging themselves through a small head-height hoop, a Charlie Chaplin impersonator ‘snake charming’ in front of a captive audience, and disabled ex-servicemen performing to the passing crowds.

Another stunning photo shows a banjo player being ably assisted by his pet pooch and a gentleman quietly concentrating as he plays a tune on what appears to be a Zither – a stringed instrument which is fiercely difficult to master.

The shots capture a post-war Britain, still labouring under rationing laws but blinking in the light of a blossoming economy.

Check out the link below for more amazing vintage photos.

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