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Permanent LinkDec 1, 2020 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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:tied: (WWW) Most people think that fame is instant - namely that through a fluke, fame comes to performers overnight. Far from the truth, it turns out that fame usually comes only after years and years of dedicated performing.
Some start out in very different themes before becoming famous. Who knew a fire eater would become James Bond or a mime become an Academy Award winner? One famous performer actually got deported from Spain for sleeping on the streets. Another got his nickname the "Beale Street Blues Boy". Can you guess who?

A closer look at fame reveals startling inconsistencies in perceptions of success. A famous comedian starts off playing banjo for lucky passers-by. Another star begins playing piano at age six. Just who will make it and who won't is written in the stars (no pun intended). Such is life.

Let's take a look and at least ten performers who made it big.
One started singing in the New Orleans French Quarter and ended up in Margaritaville.
Can you name more?

Check the link below for a revelation.

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