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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkAug 1, 2024 
:tiphat: (WWW) An lengthy article at the Broke Backpacker has updated the advice on how to busk and fund your travels.
Ziggy Samuels writes from his experiences and states, "With this busking guide in hand, you’re gonna learn both how to busk and how to do it right! I’m going to run you through every secret and tip for busking I’ve learnt since that first day in New Zealand and onwards across Asia. Then, once you have a handle on the craft, you can go write your own bloody awesome stories, too!"

Kick back with a glass of wine and a good smoke and enjoy some interesting if not humorous accounts of the sport.

Some sections include "Make people happy", "Prepare to be glamorous", and "How not to be a knob".

Check out the link below for more fun facts.

"What's my point? It's fun being a dirtbag busker. Go try it!"


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Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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