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Permanent LinkSep 1, 2024 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
Blog: View Blog (210)
:hair: (WWW) A somewhat humorous account of an experimental busking performance of Super Mario in Times Square has concluded.
"A stream of passengers walked by, searching for anything to look at other than the 32-year-old man struggling to fit an egg-shaped cardboard headpiece imprinted with the visage of a Nintendo mascot. All I wanted was to leave Times Square with just $1 but that may have been asking too much" says Luke Winkie.

"Then I saw the competition...Spiderman, Sonic the Hedgehog, a pair of twin Minnie Mouses and some sort of monster had come into view."

Momma mia!
That's a spicy meat-ta-balla!
Then check into therapy.

Check out the experience at the link below for a good read. You are not alone.

Mario does Times Square


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