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:horn: NEWS BLOG :popcorn:

Permanent LinkNov 5, 2024 
:spotlight: (WWW) An very interesting article by Dan Hon goes in-depth in his assessment of Busking: The Art & Practice of Street Performance.
"The origins of busking can be traced back to ancient and medieval entertainers like troubadours, minstrels, jugglers, and puppeteers who would travel from town to town plying their trade in public squares and markets.

Over the centuries, busking has taken on many forms - from the organ grinders of the 1800s to the diverse range of musical and performance acts found in cities worldwide today."

This is the beginning of an article which covers busking from it's early days up to the present. Be sure to read the complete article for further insight.

Click the link below then kick back with a glass of wine and enjoy an article worth reading.


Full Article


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Bwana Busker

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