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Permanent LinkJul 25, 2009 
Bwana Busker

Joined: Jan 1, 2005
Posts: 52
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:guitar: The street performer best known as the Naked Cowboy has thrown his cowboy hat into the ring for Mayor of NYC.
“Today, I would like to announce that I am entering the race for the office of the Mayor of New York City. Why? Well, right now this city can’t afford wasteful spending. What we really need is smarter spending. Folks come up to me every day and tell me they’ve lost their life-savings, that their small businesses are barely getting by. And small businesses are the key to getting this city back on its feet. So we need initiatives that help put them on the right track. But the city can't afford to back an 18-wheeler full of money into every problem. It’s time to tighten the belt, but of course that’s just a saying because I don’t even wear a belt. But that’s my point – I don’t need a belt. I don’t need the whole suit and tie thing either. And you won’t see me buying a whole new wardrobe just because I’m running for Mayor – not on the city’s dime. Fact is, no one knows how to do more with less than yours truly – and that’s the kind of thinking I plan on sharing with my fellow New Yorkers if you elect me. It's exactly the kind of leadership this city needs during these challenging times." – Naked Cowboy, July 22, 2009


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