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The Beauty of Busking by BC on Dec 4, 2012
:tiphat: (TORONTO) An article at Action Coach Warren has a story on busking that may surprise most.
In it, Warren declares his love for buskers. Citing the Toronto Buskerfest as North America's largest, he notes the requirements as being "courage, confidence, good humour and, possibly, a little insanity."

While we usually hear reports from buskers themselves, it's a rare positive review that comes from the edge. Also mentioned is the fact that busking is mostly an urban event and that the love of the city is a necessary.

As Coach Warren observes, "Busking is one of the purest expressions of the entrepreneurial spirit. Buskers work incredibly hard at their craft in an attempt to provide maximum entertainment value. In doing so, they hope to receive maximum value from their audience."

You can...

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Busking 101: How to busk! by BC on Aug 1, 2024
:tiphat: (WWW) An lengthy article at the Broke Backpacker has updated the advice on how to busk and fund your travels.

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The Complete Guide to Busking by BC on May 1, 2024
:tiphat: (ENGLAND) Every once in a blue moon, Busker Central dives into it's vault to relive important articles that have stood the test of time. Over at the website Vocalist,...

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Seattle welcomes new pitches by BC on Apr 1, 2024
:disguise: (SEATTLE) As far as Seattle is concerned, you're a star awaiting your new reserved pitch in Soundtransit's transport hubs. Their blog announces the Sounds...

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Movie: A gift from Bob by BC on Mar 1, 2024
:guitar: (LONDON) The story of busker James Bowen and his cat Bob has snowballed into an impressive miracle.

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NOLA! by BC on Feb 3, 2024
:party: (WWW) It's Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnival around the world. Try not to get hit in the head with a coconut when yelling "Throw me something, mister!".

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RE: 2013 Summer street performance tour by WorldsGreatest! on Feb 16, 2012
Since the laws change all the time, it's probably best to telephone the cities you're interested in from the link below and ask if there's going to be a problem.

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