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Buskers! Help set a world record! by BC on Jun 10, 2009
:spotlight: Buskers all over the world can help set a world record Sunday, June 14th, 2009 by busking locally at 12 noon for 25 minutes.

More information here


"Grate" Performances kick off Times Square gig by BC on May 12, 2009
:spotlight: Almost 100 street performers and buskers auditioned for 3 minutes each for a spot in this summer's Grate Performances series in the Big Apple's Duffy square.

Billed as the "crossroads of the world", the Times Square Alliance events are scheduled to start May 28th.

Sadly, New York City performers are usually restricted to performing underground in the city's dark and dirty subway system. This time, however, they were allowed to perform in the sunshine and be viewed by the general public.

Revealing some fresh faces, there were some old familiar ones with even the Naked Cowboy "butting" in.

See a Daily News video here.

Cool cat joins buskers with purrfection by BC on May 2, 2023
:pointlol: (TAIWAN) A cool cat has the Internet gushing over its cuteness after it was recently seen performing with buskers.
Amazing as it is, the cat meows on cue to complete the verse of the busker's song. The crowd is filled with laughter!

After the song ends, the talented 'artiste' is carried around while the crowd applauds and cheers for it.

The video, which has been played over 27.1 million times, has received lots of love from people all over the world.

Basking in the world-wide limelight, it seems "Fat Cow" is just hitting his prime.

We'll assume he gets his fair share of fish...


Check out the video in the link below.


[ Continued ]


Tom Jones joins the South Bank Buskers by BC on Nov 30, 2008
:photog: Tom Jones’s first attempt at busking began ominously as a crowd gathered around a set of speakers and a lone microphone set up on the South Bank of the Thames near the Royal Festival Hall. “It’s Tom Jones, isn’t it?” one woman asked. “I’ve never liked him since he had his nose done. He had a sensible Welsh nose in the old days.”

Skateboarders and BMX bikers gathered nonplussed at a nearby underpass. Sir Tom would be using the graffiti-covered skating area if it rained, they were told. “That would be a bit awkward,” one BMX rider said. “We’d have to ride around him.”

But any doubt that the 68-year-old singer could still thrill a crowd was dispelled the moment he stepped up to the microphone. “Can you hear me all right?” he asked. The crowd, which had swelled to about 400, cheered and raised their arms, not in celebration, but to capture the moment on their mobile telephones.

[ Continued ]


Our Founding Fathers by BC on Dec 2, 2022
:banjo: (WWW) Our Founding Fathers...who art in Heaven...
Explore the History and Cultural Impact of Street Performing in America.
Ben Franklin on the Streets of Boston in 1718 and Patrick Henry and Sam Adams on the Revolutionary Streets are just a few that used their talents to influence the making of a nation. Street performances were a part of colonial American life as evidenced by these observations of Hanover and Williamsburg, Virginia and Boston. Nathaniel Hawthorne, anyone? Here's a history of busking in the new world.

Americana at it's finest.

Follow the link below for edification.

American Street Performing


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