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Buskertainment is Raising The Roof by BC on Dec 3, 2011
:mime: (TORONTO) Human statues, musicians, illusionists, jesters, jugglers, mimes, stilt walkers, and much more will be out on the streets of the Downtown Yonge area every Saturday and Sunday as part of Winter Magic's "Buskertainment."
All donations during the Buskertainment event will go towards the Raising the Roof charity. The buskers will entertain shoppers and passersby then pass the hat in support of the worthy cause.

Raising the Roof is Canada's only national charity that dedicates itself toward funding long-term solutions for the homeless. What that means is they focus their efforts on permanent solutions to homelessness including finding proper housing, providing mental health services, and getting a homeless person "employment ready."

Stories, photos, and video are available thru the link...

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Mysterious busker is really a Superstar by BC on Feb 4, 2015
:surprised2: (VENICE BEACH) Disguised head-to-toe in metallic gold, a famous performer has surprised onlookers in Venice Beach by posing as a busker.
Going incognito, the "She Came to Give It to You" singer, 36, was busting moves best described as “the robot” borrowed from the mime Robert Shields. While wearing a gold hat, sunnies, and chains with his face covered in a gold mask to a crowd on the street, fans were shocked when the Grammy-winning artist revealed himself from under the costume.

As it turns out, the former judge on the US version of The Voice was shooting a skit for a MasterCard campaign. He surprised a fan - who had earlier been told she was appearing in a documentary about the OMG singer - with a personal performance, the Daily Mail reports.

The R&B star was rec...

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Has the "Eggman" cracked up? by BC on May 3, 2011
:surprised2: (SOUTH AFRICA) His name is Gregory da Silva - a comedian artist, storyteller, dancer and live street perfomer from Benin West Africa.
Also known locally as the "Eggman", he's a hard-boiled character known for wearing a World-Record 624 eggs on his hat.

Gaining fame in Cape Town, it now seems that the Eggman may have been traumatized after a robbery in Italy left him injured. Although you've got to break a few eggs to make an omlett, that's not what the Eggman had in mind.

But where is the Eggman today? He has seemed to have vanished after his trip to Milano vowing never to return to Cape Town, the city that sponsored him.

It now appears the Eggman has been met with "foul" play. If you have seen the Eggman, please report immediately. His bacon is getting cold....

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National Busking Day features celebrity videos by BC on Aug 1, 2015
:bagpipe: (UK) If only all the nations of the world would observe a National Busking Day, it would make for a better planet. Towns and cities around the UK have created special National Busking Day pitches where you share your talents and perhaps make a few quid, too.
Locations included Belfast, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Canterbury, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Exeter, Gateshead, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Margate, Newcastle and York.

Everyone from professionals to beginners took part in the first annual affair - whether they specialized in music, magic, comedy, physical theatre, living statues or dance.

To commemorate the celebration, the Express newspaper published the top 11 celebrities who have been filmed busking which include the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Olly Murs, Tom Jones, and (sorry)...

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Prague targets new busking campaign by BC on Jan 1, 2016
:disguise: (PRAGUE) The city of Prague is wondering why there aren't more buskers and street performers around their fair city. After all, they've overcome 40 years of Communism crushing their culture. Hence, the city has embarked on a campaign to bring in many more of the performing artists.
And even taking into consideration of the famous Charles bridge, Prague has much less buskers and street performers when compared to Berlin, Dublin, or Paris.

The project is currently crowdfunded which will determine how the campaign will go forward. Organizers have produced a video as well as an audio mp3 that showcases the effort. There will also be an app for tablets and cell phones to promote the project.

Regulations implemented 3 years ago have somewhat restricted street musicians and will be changed. “Musicians c...

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