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trouble with the law by patrick210 on Jun 25, 2013
I've been busking without a tip jar or sign. I don't ask for money i just play. When someone offers money i stop playing, put the money in my pocket. The police tell me im soliciting. I say no im not. They say yes you are. I say no im not....ect . can anyone give me some talking points? One cop said by accepting money im giving the impression that im soliciting and i would have to prove that i didn't in court.

World's first all-woman Buskerfest by BC on Feb 5, 2019
:dread: (KANSAS) The city of Lawrence has quite an interesting history concerning women being featured in their town. With their 12th buskerfest, they will be highlighting and honoring the incredible women of the street performing world. Over 20 different acts will perform on 5 different pitches throughout the downtown business district.
"Linsey Lindberg has performed for the last 12 years as Mama Lou Strongwoman and is a Lawrence Busker Festival favorite. It's not unusual for her audience to be full of young girls who emulate her feats of strength at home. She thinks that it's necessary to be a role model and promote self-empowerment for women."

The First All Female Busker Festival is going to be full of awesome acts from around the world.

Be sure to check out the link below for more information on the...

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Vancouver welcomes buskers by doubling fees & 15 pages of rules by BC on Jun 2, 2013
:hair: (VANCOUVER) Once a bustling tourist mecca, Vancouver is rapidly gaining a reputation as the "No-Fun-Allowed" city.
Granville Island has recently revamped their busking regulations with a dizzying array of almost impossible requirements.

Included is having to pass not one but two auditions by a non-qualified jury, a doubling of license fees, arbitrarily banning popular performers, and for good measure, an unbelievable 15 pages of rules.

And they're just getting warmed up. Forget fire and circle shows. Even with insurance, these are out. Want to change a line or joke? It's not allowed once the license agreement is signed. It's the most preposterous, cockeyed, idiotic conception Busker Central News has ever reported.

License fees were doubled because they "hadn't been raised in 5 years."...

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Royal Street and all that Jazz by BC on Apr 8, 2019
:party: (NEW ORLEANS) Celebrating 300 years in the making, New Orleans is currently busy with Mardi Gras, Jazz, and the French Quarter festivals. A visit by Busker Central reporters for a month reveals some interesting developments along with a deep history.
Bourbon street in "da qwada" is traditionally known for it's late-night activities, bars, drunks, fights, and arrests. It's still a wild place but not too suitable for busking. Jackson Square mall is known for it's daytime bands, painters, and psychic readers. Now, one block off Bourbon, Royal street is really nice and becoming popular for buskers both day and night. Among the historic quaint shops, several jazz bands and others buskers have sprung up. And who can blame them? It's probably the best single street that embodies the French Quarter at it's best....

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St. Catharines International Busker Festival by lyndesfarne on Aug 8, 2011
Website: www.stcbuskerfest.com

The inaugural St Catharines International Busker Festival will welcome artists from around the globe performing over 100 acts during the three days of the Festival. All performances will take place in downtown St Catharines with the temporary closure of James St. to Church Street, and a sweeping corridor along King Street to include Market Square. Performances are slated for six stages (5 outdoor) as buskers entertain crowds with unforgettable acts. The festival is a community event for all ages and marks the first of its kinds in the Niagara Peninsula.

Niagara Inflatables Kidz Stage will host an inflatable playground for children to welcome the youngest of us into a world of make believe. Suitcase in Point Theatre Company (SIP) along with Lyndesfarne Theatre Projects (LTP) will produce The Late Night Cabaret (Saturday, August 13, 2011) with creative staff Deanna Lynn Jones and all Buskers. Visit the website for more details!

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