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Seven secrets of street performers by BC on Nov 6, 2019
:sax: (WWW) Let's take a look at some tips for the most popular type of busker - the musician. On the website sonicbids.com, there are tons of links to articles about muses honing their craft, the music business, as well as a musician success guide.
The article features seven fundamentals for busking. Since there's always room for improvement, artists can read up on polishing their performances to perfection. Some are basic while others take into account the art of busking itself.

The website goes on to discuss their top articles on psychology skills, musician traits you were born with, creating your own record label, and major mistakes that musicians make. Trending articles include songwriting exercises, apps that make a musician's life easier, and getting noticed as well as motivational talks that will get you excited about...

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Book: Busker's Holiday - Fact or Fiction? by BC on Nov 5, 2015
:sax: (INTERNET) The leaves are turning a fantastic color of orange in direct sunlight. Along with Fall comes the cold North wind blowing down the alley and snow finding it's way into the tiniest crevice. To top it off, the holidays are coming and we're considering presents to purchase.
Busker's Holiday is a new work just published by author Adam Gussow, an associate professor of English and Southern Studies at the University of Mississippi. It's the kind of book you want to curl up and read on a cold winter's night as you sit and contemplate next year's show. It warms your mind as you learn it's Summer all over again.

Gussow (or as the locals call him, Mister Satan) establishes Busker's Holiday as a story of one McKay Chernoff, a Columbia University grad student with a harmonica in his pocket and a blues band in...

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Zen and the Art of Subway Busking by BC on Mar 1, 2021
:guitar: An interesting article at American Songwriter has an in-depth interview of the successful and creative busker by the name of Ori Rakib.
Ori is an energetic soul. He's been busking in the New York subway for years. One day after losing his jacket, Ori said to himself, "Alright - I’m going to start busking until I make enough money to buy myself a new winter coat." Survival comes first in busking. Some of us have already been there. At times, it can be hand-to-mouth with even experienced buskers.

"Once you’re past that first stage where it’s not really about being 'good' or 'bad' anymore, you start to realize how many lives you are able to touch by just going out there, opening your mouth, and singing."

"You’re not a brand - You’re just a guitar and a voice. People don’t know you, y...

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Book: The Busking Project by BC on Aug 1, 2014
:!: (THE BUSKING PROJECT) With a tag line of 3 writers, 5 continents, and 1 mission, the Busking Project has released a paperback book detailing some of it's exploits in the wide world of street performing.
As Busker Central continues it's book review series, we find Nick Broad, Chris Smith, and Belle Crawford. The three visit forty cities across five continents to document buskers remarking they are "universally misunderstood, under appreciated, and often criminalized."

Including some (mis)adventures, hundreds of supporters help the trio with advice, equipment, support, money, time, and encouragement in completion of the global trek. Starting in Lisbon and ending in Rio, the whole trip reveals trials and tribulations as it unfolds.

Covering 40 cities in 10 months, the plan was to visit a new city every...

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Surviving a cashless society by BC on Nov 9, 2018
:disguise: (LONDON) An article in The Guardian examines where the streets have no change - and how buskers are surviving in cashless times.
A recent hot topic, the article asks is it time performers turned to contactless readers? After all, dropping coins in a hat is increasingly, well, old hat.

Speaking of hats, they're down in London. Again, society is changing. Spending our money is much more convenient nowadays using plastic rather than carrying around coins and notes. Americans have gone plastic for decades but now it's becoming more of a world-wide trend.

For buskers, touchless card readers are now "the thing" since people are carrying around a lot less cash. With plastic, even if you get robbed right there on the street in broad daylight, the poor crook doesn't have access to your PIN number(s)....

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