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Busking: All the world's a stage by BC on Apr 4, 2021
:mrgreen: An article at PS Audio has some interesting anecdotals on the world of busking. Likening it to theater, the "stage" is actually the busker's pitch where the performances happen. The article goes on with a brief yet up-to-date history of busking including virtual or electronic busking.
Daniel Bacchieri points out that “digital platforms are powerful tools capable of transmitting local artists to a global audience. All the world’s a stage and buskers can make it big in a connected world. In the past two decades the audience for street performers has grown from dozens to millions thanks to sharing on social media like Facebook and Twitter, on digital platforms such as YouTube, and streaming services including Spotify.”

Dr. Paul Simpson, a professor of human geography at the University of Pl...

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Busker Nation - Trumpets, harmonicas, and pink robots by BC on Jan 1, 2023
:headstand: (ARIZONA) You wouldn't think Arizona would have come this far - but Downtown Phoenix, Inc. thinks the time is right.
Lo and behold, there's music and performing where there once was none. It seems the desert southwest has caught the busker bug.

From flea markets to sporting events to outdoor malls, there are buskers plying their trade and free to now express themselves artistically. The times - they are a changin'.

And why not? Making a more vibrant community can only enhance revenue for the cities thru increased sales in shops and restaurants.

The atmosphere is rhythmically changing into something we can all appreciate when we try. Add a dash of interviews and you've got a nice recipe for explaining Busker Nation.


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Introducing the Southland Buskers Festival by BC on Feb 6, 2010
:party: (NEW ZEALAND) Often it's happenstance. Every now and then, though, you've become part of something more organised. Invercargill this weekend has a welcome taste of that, with the inaugural Southland Buskers Festival, a satellite event from the recently concluded World Buskers Festival in Christchurch.

In Queens Park, Wachner Place, and a raft of other venues, world-class performers, are disporting themselves in a host of implausible entertainments.

We have a contortionists and escapologists, acrobats, a strong-woman, a slackrope master, a guy who torments his face with rubber bands, a living angel statue, and we shudder to think what else.

Check it out

Best busker in the world? by BC on May 27, 2010
:busker: (GERMANY) Behold the best busker in the world...or is he? We'll let you be the judge as they say. What we have here is Schrotti, possibly the largest one-man band in the universe. Along the Rhine in Düsseldorf plays this extraordinary busker...but is he the best?
Full Story & Video


World's best & worst street musicians revealed by BC on Nov 6, 2011
:tongue: (ENGLAND) According to some crazy person over at Asylum.co.uk, the best busker in the world (along with the worst), the best busker ever (along with the worst), and a few other "beautiful", "amazing", and "great" street-musicians are featured in a review for all buskers to relish.
Going ga-ga with five videos of incredible street musicians and five not-so-good ones, we find one guitarist actually serenading passersby without any strings! A cross between comedy and mime, he then throws his spinning guitar into the air.

Real steel hang drums, a bass player, and a harpist also get into the act. What would an really insane busker review be without the traditional bagpiper honking away?

Someone left the door open. ...

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