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Busker Nation - Trumpets, harmonicas, and pink robots by BC on Jan 1, 2023
:headstand: (ARIZONA) You wouldn't think Arizona would have come this far - but Downtown Phoenix, Inc. thinks the time is right.
Lo and behold, there's music and performing where there once was none. It seems the desert southwest has caught the busker bug.

From flea markets to sporting events to outdoor malls, there are buskers plying their trade and free to now express themselves artistically. The times - they are a changin'.

And why not? Making a more vibrant community can only enhance revenue for the cities thru increased sales in shops and restaurants.

The atmosphere is rhythmically changing into something we can all appreciate when we try. Add a dash of interviews and you've got a nice recipe for explaining Busker Nation.


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Banksy and the Rise of Outlaw Art by BC on Nov 2, 2021
:artist: (ENGLAND) Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director. His real name and identity remain unconfirmed and the subject of speculation. He has also made good from his collection of "Illegal Art". First displaying work on walls for buskers, the movement has blossomed into an artform unto itself.
Presenting art in Bristol along with artists like "3D" and "Broken Brain", the movement's attitude can be seen in his film "Exit through the gift shop". Watching some of the films, one can't help but chuckle at the absurdity of Banksy.

Using stencils and computers, Banksy approaches 3D from different perspectives. However, many artworks have been vandalized, painted over, or destroyed.

Banksy's works have dealt with various...

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Busking tips and tricks for fun and profit by BC on Jul 5, 2019
:flasher: Whether you're a beginner or seasoned pro, there's always room for improvement when it comes to busking. Amazon has started carrying interesting books written by and for buskers for the worldwide busking community. Both fiction and non-fiction are covered in 6 amazing pages.
Topics include making cash doing what you love, various how-to guides, essays about street performing, stepping out into the streets for the first time, enjoying public life, balloon busking, busking beyond borders, busking as a mercenary art, notes from London's underground, fire breathing, a busking bible, European street musicians, surviving half alive, songs sang on Bleecker street and other popular venues - all sharing tips, secrets and dreamy wishes from the pros. There's even a music book for a guide to busking....

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Denver buskerfest returns at Union Station by BC on Aug 1, 2016
:party: (DENVER) What was once America's largest busker festival has risen from the ashes to entertain and educate the masses. Recently renovated, Union Station is the historic main railway station and central transportation hub built in 1894. It boasts an eclectic array of the city's top restaurants, bars, and shops in addition to The Crawford Hotel.
As tourists got off the trains, they were greeted with buskers and street performers mid-act. Energy flowed between the streets, sidewalks, stations and parks creating a place where people naturally gravitated, connected, and wanted to be.

Jugglers, stilt-walkers, hula-hoopers, pole-climbers, fire-twirlers, oriental drummers, guitarists and more were among the chosen to represent this version of Denver's famed buskerfest.

Coverage by Busker Central reporters...

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The Buskers Guide to the Galaxy by BC on Dec 9, 2016
:busker: :busker: (AUSTRALIA) Two inexperienced street performers attempt a world tour with no shows, no money, and no contacts. Along the winding way, they are compiling helpful information for fellow buskers who want to travel predominately through music. This includes permit information, busker-friendly hostels, and cheap eats.
The Buskers Guide to the Galaxy also includes a link to their facebook page featuring busker jobs - a space where people can advertise and apply for all kinds of buskers and musicians.

Interested in a busker's guide to Malaysia, Brisbane, Adelaide, or Wales? How about some video on the Rundle Mall or sleeping in a car? Busker interviews include Olayo Reynaud, Chris Gun, and Kung Fu Jesus among...

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