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San Antonio opens streets to buskers by BC on Jan 5, 2017
:accord: (SAN ANTONIO) The city of San Antonio, Texas has opened the streets to buskers and street performers. Also under re-consideration is nearby Market Square and La Villita.
"The main purpose is to facilitate the development of neighborhoods, cultural centers, and businesses in the downtown area to create a thriving Central Business District that fosters a warm and inviting atmosphere for residents, employees, and visitors."

The Downtown Street Performer Policy was passed last year but it took a long time for many buskers to hear about it.

Public parks are among the most encouraged places for musicians – and performers of any kind, for that matter – to share their art. Many parks across America are off-limits when it comes to performing.

Read what happens as a busker gently tries to inf...

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New rules considered for Venice Beach Boardwalk by BC on Dec 17, 2009
:tied: (VENICE BEACH) The Venice Beach boardwalk is known as a happening place. However, the Los Angeles City Council thinks there may be too much going on there.
After receiving hundreds of complaints from area residents over the past year, the council has asked city lawyers to draw up some new rules. The new rules could include a ban on musical instruments and amplified sound between sunset and 9 A.M.

The council wants to crack down on street performers that draw big crowds and clog the boardwalk. The council also wants to limit the size and number of demonstrations. Many people consider the boardwalk a free speech zone.

Councilman Bill Rosendahl says it's the first step toward creating a more peaceful environment for boardwalk business owners, residents and thousands of visitors.



Salt Lake City on the move by BC on Sep 1, 2018
:sax: (UTAH) With it's first ever Buskerfest, Salt Lake City has started to come out of it's shell in regards to street theater and performances. Citizens of the city are calling for more pitches to perform their art.
Kim Angeli is determined to get more street performers in Salt Lake City - a place that hasn’t always been receptive to the idea. Angeli hopes the SLC Busker Fest will help spread the wealth and connect performers and audiences.

"I would love to have performers on every corner. Art and artistic performance makes an urban environment wonderful and begs to be visited repeatedly," posts Lance Hemmert.

"Abby the Spoon Lady is the most amazing Busker!" cries another.

Most professional buskers are... :sing:

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Man jailed for stealing busker's hat by BC on Dec 27, 2010
:hot: (ENGLAND) Busker and supply teacher Phil Gray was happily busking away when a passerby casually took the hat off Gray's head and disappeared.
It all seemed to be a joke until the grim reality set in. The hat was gone - never to be returned.

Fortunately, an audience member was shooting a video with his cell phone of Gray performing when the incident occurred.

Gray claims the creep who stole his hat had talked with him several times earlier in the day.

In the video, you actually see the crime committed. The thief was later picked up but no hat was to be found.

Full story and video


1000 Buskers in Kuala Lumpur rejoice with legalization by BC on Feb 2, 2013
:horn: (MALAYSIA) Kuala Lumpur has just legalized street-performing for which 200 have already auditioned.
A jury of professional musicians will license the street-performers without any set limit of buskers to be selected.

With a population of 7.2 million people in greater Kuala Lumpur, there are over a 1000 happy buskers waiting to have their day.

Guidelines were being finalized but mainly the buskers must have a clean appearance and be disciplined enough to adhere to the designated time and location.

All that remains is finding suitable pitches in and around the city. Some areas may be modified to accompany busker performances.

Adjustments to the new legalization are to follow. As we've seen before, things can change around, flip-flop, flip again, then change back in as little as 1000 days. Hopefully, they'll...

[ Continued ]


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