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Radio 1 star goes undercover as a "Secret Busker" by BC on Mar 3, 2015
:sing: (LONDON) Radio 1 star Olly Murs has received his makeunder as a homeless guy with head lice. His mission was to perform in Covent Garden and see how well he does.
The trend of stars busking on pitches around the world seems to have manifested itself. Whether for a commercial, skit, or social experiment, the stars are coming out at all hours. The celebrities over the years include Sir Paul McCartney, Joshua Bell, Guns & Roses, Bruce Springsteen, Usher, Murs, and more yet to come.

You'd think Murs would be releasing some fantastic new album but this social experiment was at the top of the list. He demonstrates how important professionalism can be when busking in the real world. Even in his condition, it was more of an audition than a handout.

Murs performed 45 minutes of his own songs and even has the video to prove...

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Busker surprise star of Woody's new movie by BC on Mar 22, 2009
:hippy: Move over Penélope and Scarlett - a struggling musician-turned-diva is the real feelgood story behind Woody Allen's new movie.

When British cinemagoers flock to Woody Allen's latest film Vicky Cristina Barcelona this week, they are likely to have been drawn by the triple attraction of Penélope Cruz, Scarlett Johansson and Javier Bardem, who star in the tale of a love triangle conducted in one of Europe's most charismatic cities. But in Catalonia the true hero of the film is an Italian busker who has never been anywhere near the studios of Hollywood.

The film has already garnered a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination, but last week a less publicised award - a Catalan film festival award for best original music - went to Giulia Tellarini, whose "Barcelona" forms the opening soundtrack to the film and has already been adopted by the city's tourist board.

Tellarini and her band a...

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Space Cowboy sets new Guinness record by BC on Feb 14, 2010
:spotlight: (AUSTRALIA) Chayne Hultgren a.k.a. "The Space Cowboy" has just set a new Guinness worlds record by swallowing 18 razor-sharp swords.
The brave performance artist acomplished the feat by swallowing the 72cm swords in Sydney. "The Space Cowboy" beat his own 2008 record of 16 and used different throat stretching methods to perfect the art.



Cirque du Soleil celebrates 25th anniversary by BC on Jun 8, 2009
MONTREAL (AFP) — Canadian acrobatic troupe Cirque du Soleil, created in 1984 and now performing in all corners of the world, is celebrating its silver anniversary with the launch of its 25th show "Ovo," about insects.

The circus company, with 19 traveling and permanent shows now playing, sold 11 million tickets worldwide last year and has brought wonder and delight to almost 90 million spectators in over 200 cities on five continents since 1984.

What started as a ragtag group of 20 street performers has blossomed into a global entertainment empire with an estimated net worth of three billion dollars and 4,000 employees in 40 countries.

Founded by former fire-eater Guy Laliberte, whose idea to transform circus acrobatics into sensational, plot-driven theatre has revolutionized this sector of the entertainment industry, it has however always remained true to its root

The performers originate from n...

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Busker to perform 100 hour gig by BC on Jan 18, 2010
:surprised2: Hard-working busker Derek Allan is about to embark on his toughest gig yet - playing 10 sets of 10 hours in 10 different venues.
The singer-songwriter’s fundraising efforts will see him play for 10 consecutive nights as he pulls out all the stops to help Grace House Hospice Appeal to reach its latest target.

And not content with that, he is issuing a universal offer of help to any small charities or individuals who need a helping hand getting together the money they need.

Derek, 34, from Red Row in Northumberland, first came to the attention of Journal readers when he performed seven consecutive 12-hour gigs in seven different Northumberland pubs, with no backing group.

The exertion left Derek, who suffers from epilepsy, exhausted and he almost fainted several times during the g...

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