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Famous busker returns to his roots by BC on Feb 24, 2010
:busker: (FISHERMANS WHARF) It looks like the Amazing Johnathan is returning to his roots and taking a break from his Las Vegas show.
Years ago, the former street performer had his show at the Golden Nugget...or was it Fitzgeralds? Circus Circus? Anyway, I forget where John Szeles's show was but he's heading where it all began.

The insult comic, the Amazing Johnathan, has built his show over the years into a solid, if not down right weird, Las Vegas show that probably has more jokes per minute than any current show running. It also drops more F-bombs than Pesci in "Casino". With a 3-act structure, the former busker has shown others the way to create and perform Vegas-style.

I believe Carrot Top, like Sinbad, first started performing on the streets of Westwood in L.A. It's seems like a while...

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2013 Summer street performance tour by david121294 on Feb 15, 2012
Summer of 2013 a couple friends and i will be buying greyhound discovery passesw and traveling the us for two months. i have plans on bringing a guitar and perfoming a couple 30 minute sets in each town i visit. with the cash i make from this i am hoping to be able to me my food expenses and be able to afford another discovery pass by the time the first one expires.
I'd like to know if anyone else is interested in tagging along or maybe would like me to come through their town. Discovery passes are aroung $560 before tax and are good for 2 months. i feel this is an interesting way to tour, see the country, meet people, and have a good time. Be aware that you can only bring two bags without having to pay an extra fee and your instrument case will count as a bag.

MyJobSearch lists street performing careers by BC on Nov 3, 2022
:tophat: (WWW) Things are getting spooky when major job sites start listing busking and street performing as regular employment. Such is the case with MyJobSearch.com careers.
The website defines the terms used, salary, responsibilities, qualifications, skills, working conditions, experience, employers, and different roles a busker can play.

Some notables include:

No two days are the same
Be a clown with the audience
Staying creative
Testing one's self

Check out the listing below for yourself.
It makes for good reading.



Film: "The Giant Mechanical Man" features human statue by BC on Mar 8, 2011
:tophat: (HOLLYWOOD) The film "The Giant Mechanical Man" tells of a human statue street-performer (Topher Grace) who falls in love with female zoo worker (Jenna Fischer). Each of them resists pressure from friends and family not to get together.
A romantic comedy, it's yet again another love story featuring the performers. A tried and true story-line, it dates back to the silent cinema era with "The Blue Angel".



Has the "Eggman" cracked up? by BC on May 3, 2011
:surprised2: (SOUTH AFRICA) His name is Gregory da Silva - a comedian artist, storyteller, dancer and live street perfomer from Benin West Africa.
Also known locally as the "Eggman", he's a hard-boiled character known for wearing a World-Record 624 eggs on his hat.

Gaining fame in Cape Town, it now seems that the Eggman may have been traumatized after a robbery in Italy left him injured. Although you've got to break a few eggs to make an omlett, that's not what the Eggman had in mind.

But where is the Eggman today? He has seemed to have vanished after his trip to Milano vowing never to return to Cape Town, the city that sponsored him.

It now appears the Eggman has been met with "foul" play. If you have seen the Eggman, please report immediately. His bacon is getting cold....

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