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A cat named Bob saves busker's life by BC on Nov 5, 2012
:spotlight: (LONDON) James Bowen and his cat Bob have sold over 250,000 books depicting their strange tale. It just so happens Bob saved the poor busker's life.
Based on a true story, Bob and James may be heading to Hollywood to film the street-performer's enchanting account.

Bob isn't any ordinary orange tabby. It seems he was tired of people wasting away and set out one day to bolster his good karma. While walking down the alley, Bob spotted a street-performer with issues. Now was his chance to make a difference.

Bob immediately took to James and saw great potential withering away - perhaps even dying little by little each day. With the patience of a saint, Bob endures several trials and tribulations as the busker overcomes his addiction.

It's an selfless tail helping an artist get back on track creating...

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The coolest buskers in the world by BC on Nov 10, 2009
:sax: (ANTARCTICA) Busking in Antarctica, four British Antarctic Survey's employees took part in Musequality's charity busk and world record.
The coolest buskers in the world, the strings on Danny’s guitar cable froze, Paul’s saxophone froze, Tony’s fingers froze and Riet froze. The Antarctic Minkes busked as the temperature dropped from -8°C to -15°C in Antarctica. Musequality funds communal projects for disadvantaged children in developing countries giving them the skills and qualities they need to turn their lives around.

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Magic & Mystery tour by BC on Jun 2, 2021
:tied: (FILMRISE) A fascinating documentary by Penn and Teller reveals some ancient history when it comes to street magic. Starting from their base in Las Vegas which is home to over 400 magicians, the Magic & Mystery tour heads to India, China, and Egypt.
The duo first travel to India to examine the famous Indian rope trick. Upon ariving, they note that Indian magicians like the use of "blood" in their cutting and restoring performances. P & T then take a grueling 4 hour bus ride to the Taj Mahal where the Indian rope trick is to be performed. This version has a rope come straight out of a basket which a little boy then climbs to the top.

Penn & Teller continue traveling to China where the original linking rings were born. They encounter a magician who informs them that the secret to the...

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Mysterious busker is really a Superstar by BC on Feb 4, 2015
:surprised2: (VENICE BEACH) Disguised head-to-toe in metallic gold, a famous performer has surprised onlookers in Venice Beach by posing as a busker.
Going incognito, the "She Came to Give It to You" singer, 36, was busting moves best described as “the robot” borrowed from the mime Robert Shields. While wearing a gold hat, sunnies, and chains with his face covered in a gold mask to a crowd on the street, fans were shocked when the Grammy-winning artist revealed himself from under the costume.

As it turns out, the former judge on the US version of The Voice was shooting a skit for a MasterCard campaign. He surprised a fan - who had earlier been told she was appearing in a documentary about the OMG singer - with a personal performance, the Daily Mail reports.

The R&B star was rec...

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Busker to perform 100 hour gig by BC on Jan 18, 2010
:surprised2: Hard-working busker Derek Allan is about to embark on his toughest gig yet - playing 10 sets of 10 hours in 10 different venues.
The singer-songwriter’s fundraising efforts will see him play for 10 consecutive nights as he pulls out all the stops to help Grace House Hospice Appeal to reach its latest target.

And not content with that, he is issuing a universal offer of help to any small charities or individuals who need a helping hand getting together the money they need.

Derek, 34, from Red Row in Northumberland, first came to the attention of Journal readers when he performed seven consecutive 12-hour gigs in seven different Northumberland pubs, with no backing group.

The exertion left Derek, who suffers from epilepsy, exhausted and he almost fainted several times during the g...

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