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Just how many buskers are there? by BC on Feb 1, 2021
:hair: (WWW) Every once in a while, the topic of how many buskers there actually are comes up. A few years ago, there was some discussion about the chaps who filmed their performce in Antarctica. It mentioned that all three almost froze as part of a world-wide performance. This only goes to show that buskers are on every continent.
How many buskers are there in the whole wide world? Nobody really knows. We can only make an educated estimate based on limited data. An article at AskWonder.com tackles the issue although with certain assumptions. Do the math.

At sometime in the early 1990's, there were approximately ten thousand buskers in Europe alone. This would account for the majority of the planet. The rest of the continents would then total the answer.

Check the link below for more data on the global number...

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Busker juggles away student debt by BC on Feb 3, 2016
:surprised2: (DARTMOUTH) The majority of students at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire are graduating with debt - and way too much of it - since the average graduate carries $35,000. That's why many young people are turning to alternative means - not just to survive, but to thrive.
A Huffington Post interview with William Imbert reveals how he included China, Switzerland, England, Manhattan, and Princeton to juggle, piano, and unicycle away his student debt. Also figuring into the equation was teaching English and some 300 tennis balls.

"I was 24 years old and on my own in a foreign land. I began doing street performance and living by the beach for $80 a month."

Included in the interview is how he paid off his $15,000 student loan, 3 great tips for street performers, and a quote...

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Key West Buskers must pay to perform by BC on Jan 1, 2015
:hot: (KEY WEST) Just when you think they've figured it all out, Key West's city hall has created still more controversy in their busking laws. Being in the news over the past several years, it may be a matter of the successful Mallory Square Sunset Celebration turf just not being big enough for the city's satisfaction.

The city along with the Cultural Preservation Society(?) now wants to charge individual buskers $20 a night for accepting tips. Federal courts repeatedly rule that permit fees for First Amendment activity are unconstitutional. Yet we see constant challenges to the right of free speech. City halls do not seem to understand that busking and street performing are immune to their taxing. Confusion appears to come when the performer is observed accepting tips. It seems any exchange of money gets some excited...

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Colectivo de Musicos Barcelona by Rimusic on Jan 18, 2015

new beginnings by paddytobin on Feb 8, 2011
Just back busking again after spending time being a single dad to my now 20 year old man.Trying my hand at the Bungendore Country muster,in NSW Australia.Assigned a spot in the Heritage village square,made little money but had a great time,and plenty of encouragement to continue.True to my "Zen Punk" roots,included ,"they don't make Jews like Jesus anymore" and My own 21st generation y version of "house of the Rising Sun" ,as my country rep is miniscule,and mostly incomprehensible.
Keen now to see where else I can go to display my wares.The Market go round looks good!

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