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The History of Busking by BC on Jun 3, 2019
:guitar: (WWW) A website by Isaac Wexler has included a history of busking as a means to promote his courses on successful street-performing. A busker for over ten years, Busker Pro is his way of giving back the knowledge and experience of his career as a busker.
Some interesting notations include the furthest recorded history of law affecting buskers in ancient Rome back in 462 BC. It was made a criminal offense to sing or make parodies about the government or officials in public places. The result was a very harsh death penalty to the performers without noble protection from the privilege of justice.

Another was in 1530 when Henry VIII ordered the practise of minstrels and players, fortune-tellers, pardoners and fencers, as well as beggars that if they did not obey the law, they could be whipped for two days....

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Gypsy Busker by Michael Chase on Feb 13, 2013
Hey guys it's Michael

Just wanted to say Hi and Hope all you fellow buskers out there are having a blast doing what we love to do Street Perform. I am right now in Colorado cant wait were my Street Performing takes me Next!!!!

Michael Chase The Modern, Violinest

Cambridge wants more buskers by BC on Jan 1, 2019
:bagpipe: (MASSACHUSETTS) Beginning today, the fair city of Cambridge is making it easier for performing artists to express themselves. The city wants more buskers so it's eliminating permit fees. The Cambridge Arts Council announcement is meant to offer more opportunities for artists to showcase their talents without having to pay a fee.
Believe it or not, one doesn't even have to be a resident. It's open to all. The only slight catch is they want to see your act first before they waive the $40 fee. The performers must stick to the city’s street busker ordinance which sets parameters on performance times, locations, and noise.

The process just highlights the differing states of confusion when it comes to busking and street performing. While one city is busy regulating and restricting - even outlawing busking, t...

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Tombstone "the town to tough to die" by ticopots on Jan 1, 2012
(TOMBSTONE) The city council of Tombstone Az. may have shot itself in the foot. We have a new ordinance which reportedly goes into affect tomorrow Jan 2, 2012 this new law says that there wont be any busking allowed in the center of our little town. instead we have been relagated to and area that has far less foot traffic. Also we now must purchase a permit for $10.00 I feel I must point our that this ordinance does not solve a pressing government need. As the supreme court has dictated. I will send a copy if anyone needs it to help us. Del "Doc " Roach Street musician

New rules considered for Venice Beach Boardwalk by BC on Dec 17, 2009
:tied: (VENICE BEACH) The Venice Beach boardwalk is known as a happening place. However, the Los Angeles City Council thinks there may be too much going on there.
After receiving hundreds of complaints from area residents over the past year, the council has asked city lawyers to draw up some new rules. The new rules could include a ban on musical instruments and amplified sound between sunset and 9 A.M.

The council wants to crack down on street performers that draw big crowds and clog the boardwalk. The council also wants to limit the size and number of demonstrations. Many people consider the boardwalk a free speech zone.

Councilman Bill Rosendahl says it's the first step toward creating a more peaceful environment for boardwalk business owners, residents and thousands of visitors.



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