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A cat named Bob saves busker's life by BC on Nov 5, 2012
:spotlight: (LONDON) James Bowen and his cat Bob have sold over 250,000 books depicting their strange tale. It just so happens Bob saved the poor busker's life.
Based on a true story, Bob and James may be heading to Hollywood to film the street-performer's enchanting account.

Bob isn't any ordinary orange tabby. It seems he was tired of people wasting away and set out one day to bolster his good karma. While walking down the alley, Bob spotted a street-performer with issues. Now was his chance to make a difference.

Bob immediately took to James and saw great potential withering away - perhaps even dying little by little each day. With the patience of a saint, Bob endures several trials and tribulations as the busker overcomes his addiction.

It's an selfless tail helping an artist get back on track creating...

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Coke, deodorant, Cadbury's, and Peter Murphy by BC on Nov 20, 2009
:horn: There used to be a time when no self-respecting musician would ever bow to corporate pressure and allow their songs to be used to advertise products.

Those days are definitely over, and never more so with the news that Coca-Cola is looking at "incentivising" buskers on the London Underground to include its Holidays Are Coming jingle in their repertoire over the festive period.

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Lawrence Busker Festival celebrates it's 10th year by BC on May 1, 2017
:drool: (LAWRENCE, KANSAS) It's hard to believe the Lawrence Busker Festival is celebrating it's tenth year keeping Lawrence weird. The festival will host over 50 difference acts on it's five downtown pitches. Included are fire displays, pogo stick acrobatics, break dancers, aerial artists, rubber chicken tricks, musicians and much more.
The Great Escape will kick off the festivities where an escape artist will replicate Harry Houdini's feat of escaping from a strait jacket while hanging upside down two stories above the crowd. Other events include an attempt to to set the Guinness World Record for the most people attempting a water bottle flip. And it gets even better.

Street performers will soon become a regular sight in Lawrence. Thanks to a $5,000 City Hall grant, the city's Community Arts Grant Competition's...

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Buskertainment is Raising The Roof by BC on Dec 3, 2011
:mime: (TORONTO) Human statues, musicians, illusionists, jesters, jugglers, mimes, stilt walkers, and much more will be out on the streets of the Downtown Yonge area every Saturday and Sunday as part of Winter Magic's "Buskertainment."
All donations during the Buskertainment event will go towards the Raising the Roof charity. The buskers will entertain shoppers and passersby then pass the hat in support of the worthy cause.

Raising the Roof is Canada's only national charity that dedicates itself toward funding long-term solutions for the homeless. What that means is they focus their efforts on permanent solutions to homelessness including finding proper housing, providing mental health services, and getting a homeless person "employment ready."

Stories, photos, and video are available thru the link...

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Street Arts & Busker Advocates by BC on Aug 2, 2020
:violin: (WWW) If we visit college professor Stephen Baird's Facebook page, we find lots of pictures, links, and related pages towards the pandemic-suppressed art of busking and public performing. An ex-busker, Stephen has been researching this for decades.
Of course, not all news is good news. Because of the global pandemic, buskers have been banned in several places including the New York subway where it's been a tradition for years. But in the meantime, we view Pogo Fred, the Red Trowser show, Gazzo, Woody Guthrie, Waldo and Woodhead, Will Soto, Hurdy Gurdy guys, and several others making the professor's current page.

"For as long as there has been a subway system in New York, there have been musicians decorating it with sound. However, they haven’t always been welcome. Performance Today host Fred Child t...

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