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Busker inflates balloon with eyes by BC on Nov 30, 2008
1 out of 52 out of 53 out of 54 out of 55 out of 5
:pointlol: A man attracted scores of curious onlookers when he performed the highly unusual stunt of inflating balloons with his eyes during a special show in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, last Thursday.

Pin Zui (stage name) wore a pair of glasses with a plastic pipeline linked to the balloon and drew wild applause from the crowd after fully inflating it.

Pin, a member of China television Guinness art troupe, performs his stunt in public in many cities around the country.

He is said to be the first person able to use his eyes to blow up balloons on the mainland.

(China Foto Press)


Contactless payment debuts for London buskers by BC on Jun 4, 2018
:tiphat: (LONDON) The humble street performer is no longer a victim of a cashless society. A new digital method called a contactless payment terminal can accept a tip to the busker with the wave of a card.
In a test of the new method, patrons were seen waving their credit/debit cards in front of the reader. The project was launched last weekend by the Busk in London organization as a trial. A few performers were seen testing the new transactional device.

Charlotte Campbell, a full-time street performer who was part of the trial, told BBC News that the new tech "had a significant impact on contributions." Said Campbell, "More people than ever tap-to-donate whilst I sing, and often, when one person does, another follows."

The reader needs to be attached to a smartphone or tablet. It is then...

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Busking ideas you may like by BC on Sep 5, 2021
:horn: (WWW) Beginning buskers all have to start somewhere deciding just what they're going to perform. Perhaps they already have a talent they can build upon. Others may have to start from scratch.
Here at Busker Central, an editor spent two years learning the songs he was to play before stepping a foot on a pitch. Once he had his songs down pat, he was confident he'd be successful. In fact, he was so successful, he was the number one musical busker in the whole city for twelve straight years.

Let us now check out around one hundred or so interesting pictures that may give you an idea or two about just how to approach the wide wide world of busking. Some are goofy, some are unique - but all are continuing the tradition of busking and street performing from centuries ago.

Click the link below for some ideas you may...

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Tom Jones joins the South Bank Buskers by BC on Nov 30, 2008
:photog: Tom Jones’s first attempt at busking began ominously as a crowd gathered around a set of speakers and a lone microphone set up on the South Bank of the Thames near the Royal Festival Hall. “It’s Tom Jones, isn’t it?” one woman asked. “I’ve never liked him since he had his nose done. He had a sensible Welsh nose in the old days.”

Skateboarders and BMX bikers gathered nonplussed at a nearby underpass. Sir Tom would be using the graffiti-covered skating area if it rained, they were told. “That would be a bit awkward,” one BMX rider said. “We’d have to ride around him.”

But any doubt that the 68-year-old singer could still thrill a crowd was dispelled the moment he stepped up to the microphone. “Can you hear me all right?” he asked. The crowd, which had swelled to about 400, cheered and raised their arms, not in celebration, but to capture the moment on their mobile telephones.

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Cirque du Soleil celebrates 25th anniversary by BC on Jun 8, 2009
MONTREAL (AFP) — Canadian acrobatic troupe Cirque du Soleil, created in 1984 and now performing in all corners of the world, is celebrating its silver anniversary with the launch of its 25th show "Ovo," about insects.

The circus company, with 19 traveling and permanent shows now playing, sold 11 million tickets worldwide last year and has brought wonder and delight to almost 90 million spectators in over 200 cities on five continents since 1984.

What started as a ragtag group of 20 street performers has blossomed into a global entertainment empire with an estimated net worth of three billion dollars and 4,000 employees in 40 countries.

Founded by former fire-eater Guy Laliberte, whose idea to transform circus acrobatics into sensational, plot-driven theatre has revolutionized this sector of the entertainment industry, it has however always remained true to its root

The performers originate from n...

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