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Zen and the Art of Subway Busking by BC on Mar 1, 2021
:guitar: An interesting article at American Songwriter has an in-depth interview of the successful and creative busker by the name of Ori Rakib.
Ori is an energetic soul. He's been busking in the New York subway for years. One day after losing his jacket, Ori said to himself, "Alright - I’m going to start busking until I make enough money to buy myself a new winter coat." Survival comes first in busking. Some of us have already been there. At times, it can be hand-to-mouth with even experienced buskers.

"Once you’re past that first stage where it’s not really about being 'good' or 'bad' anymore, you start to realize how many lives you are able to touch by just going out there, opening your mouth, and singing."

"You’re not a brand - You’re just a guitar and a voice. People don’t know you, y...

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Busking Competition 2015 by craicingranite on Jun 11, 2015
Craic In The Granite' returns again to Aughrim, Wicklow, Ireland. As usual we will be hosting a Busking Competition at the Pavilion and will be presented with the Deirdre Heffernan Memorial Trophy and a cash prize. www.CraicInTheGranite.webs.com

Parents dislike their kids noticing buskers by BC on Jan 9, 2010
:therapy: Violinist Joshua Bell was left shocked and disappointed when he realised parents don't like their children paying attention to street musicians during a recent busking experiment.
The acclaimed classical musician dressed down and wore a disguise for his odd free show at the Washington D.C. Metro (subway) station - and was surprised no one recognised him.

Reporting back to editors of the Washington Post newspaper, who came up with the ruse, Bell confessed he was appalled to discover so many adults don't like their children to stop for buskers.

He tells WENN, "I had a baseball hat on and tattered clothes, so, if there was anyone who had been to my concerts, they would not have known it was me.

"It was sad and interesting because children tended to want to stop and listen and parents...

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Settlement ends Naked Cowboy suit by BC on Nov 16, 2008
:guitar: Briefly put, the Naked Cowboy and candy giant Mars reached a down-to-earth settlement in Federal Court Friday over a Times Square billboard.

No one's talking, least of all the normally voluble Robert Burck, who parades around the Crossroads of the World in his skivvies, strumming a guitar and urging passersby to think of him as God.

Burck sued Mars for millions last winter, alleging two Times Square billboards and a mural that depicted a guitar-wielding M&M candy in tight white shorts gave the impression that he's endorsing their product.

Last June, Federal Judge Denny Chin ruled the Cowboy's suit accusing Mars of "false endorsement" could continue.

The suit was resolved Friday with a closed-door settlement.

By Owen Moritz


Buskers form the Church of the Holy Kazoo by BC on Apr 1, 2014
:disguise: (CAMDEN TOWN) Holy guacamole! Camden has banned amplified street music and now requires unplugged performers to buy licenses.
With the help of the Great Golden Kazoo in the sky, buskers have formed a church to sidestep the new busking laws. The Church of the Holy Kazoo has just been formed in the nick of time by buskers exercising the human right to "preach" in public.

It all started when Buskers staged a "street jam" in the heart of Camden to protest against the controversial new rules to license busking in the borough. Street performer Jonny Walker came up with the idea after Camden council's new laws required buskers to pay for licenses. He realized that street preaching is protected under freedom of expression laws so he set up the Church of the Holy Kazoo. It means Jonny...

[ Continued ]


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