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Sacramento gaining ground on west coast by BC on Aug 1, 2017
:banjo: (SACRAMENTO) Watch out San Francisco. The California capital is taking measures to encourage buskers and street-performers to entertain their fair city. Dozens of new murals have been painted on buildings around midtown and new legislation allows for more of the performing arts both inside and out.
Buskers were once pushed out of Sacramento and other downtown areas pressured by frustrated business owners and residents who complained about the noise or said the musicians were blocking sidewalks. But as Sacramento’s urban core continues to develop and momentum continues in the local creative community, bringing back the buskers has become a hot topic around town.

The Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission as well as the Creative Economy Pilot Project will soon receive funding for projects over the next two y...

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Seven secrets of street performers by BC on Nov 6, 2019
:sax: (WWW) Let's take a look at some tips for the most popular type of busker - the musician. On the website sonicbids.com, there are tons of links to articles about muses honing their craft, the music business, as well as a musician success guide.
The article features seven fundamentals for busking. Since there's always room for improvement, artists can read up on polishing their performances to perfection. Some are basic while others take into account the art of busking itself.

The website goes on to discuss their top articles on psychology skills, musician traits you were born with, creating your own record label, and major mistakes that musicians make. Trending articles include songwriting exercises, apps that make a musician's life easier, and getting noticed as well as motivational talks that will get you excited about...

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Movie: A gift from Bob by BC on Mar 1, 2024
:guitar: (LONDON) The story of busker James Bowen and his cat Bob has snowballed into an impressive miracle.
Reported here on Busker Central in November of 2012, the story was first picked up by the London press and spread around the world. The result is selling over 300,000 books and now a feature length sequel.

You can view the high-fiving feline in the inspiring film now streaming on various platforms including the free Tubi.

Played by actor James Treadaway, Bowen and the friendly orange tabby live on forever in film and lore.

There is a sad note concerning James the busker. Somehow, he is about to be homeless once again. Why? Bob the cat is no longer with us pushing James back into the world of drugs and, understandably, depression.

Click the link below for the debut film "A street cat named Bob"....

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Busking Show 1.0: the name idea... by Magic Kim on Feb 15, 2016
Because I've learned already a lot about busking through reading and watching as much street performances as possible, I found out that a busking show is not created like any other formal show I created before. A busking show is more like a process, what works for the audience is kept in the show, what doesn't is kicked out or at least adjusted.
It's for those reasons I wanted to create an easy system to be able to follow up the creation / development of my show at any time.
This seemed possible to me by using the same system as software developers use. After all, we are both developing our product, isn't it?
So my first attempt to create a show will be called "Busking Show 1.0". Untill I will take this show out on the streets, the name will stay unchanged, but from that moment on will change as many times as there will be changes made in the structure of the show.
Depending on the "grade" of changes / adjustments made each time after performing the show on the...

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Book: The Busking Project by BC on Aug 1, 2014
:!: (THE BUSKING PROJECT) With a tag line of 3 writers, 5 continents, and 1 mission, the Busking Project has released a paperback book detailing some of it's exploits in the wide world of street performing.
As Busker Central continues it's book review series, we find Nick Broad, Chris Smith, and Belle Crawford. The three visit forty cities across five continents to document buskers remarking they are "universally misunderstood, under appreciated, and often criminalized."

Including some (mis)adventures, hundreds of supporters help the trio with advice, equipment, support, money, time, and encouragement in completion of the global trek. Starting in Lisbon and ending in Rio, the whole trip reveals trials and tribulations as it unfolds.

Covering 40 cities in 10 months, the plan was to visit a new city every...

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